BODEGA wants to hear the travellers’ voice to understand how to best support them while crossing the Schengen area. We would like to hear travellers’ opinions about different types of technologies, in addition to their thoughts about the passport control procedure while crossing the border.

BODEGA is a research project funded by the European Commission and it aims to develop future border checks with human expertise in order to enhance efficiency, border security and traveller satisfaction. Therefore, an important aspect within the project is to listen to the travellers’ experience about crossing the border of the Schengen Area.

In order to listen to as many travellers as possible we developed a digital survey. The survey is open to everybody regardless of their nationality. It is available in 8 different European languages. The survey asks the travellers about their experience of crossing the border of the Schengen Area. All responses are anonymous, confidential and voluntary. The results of the analysis are valuable information and they will have an impact on the development of future border checks.

As a sign of gratitude for the minutes you have invested into sharing us your thought by answering our questions, we offer for all respondents a possibility to join the raffle which offers different travelling gear to the participants. The participation as well is voluntary and the information is not linked to your responses of the survey. This campaign will be available until May 15th.

Each one of your responses count and this is the time to hear your voice! Please open the survey and share your experiences and thoughts now.

In case of any questions please contact Carolina Islas ( More information about the BODEGA project can be found here.