EPF’s 2021 annual conference will take place in an online format the 26th of June (10:00 – 14:30 CET).
The programme will link with the 2021 European Year of Rail and focus on how rail can strengthen transport connections in Europe from the passengers’ perspective.
Our online event can count on key interventions from the European Parliament (Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg) and the European Commission (to be confirmed), focusing on how to involve passengers in the transition to more sustainable modes of transport and in particular, how can rail benefit them. The half-day event will also include a workshop organised by the EPF office in the context of its work for Shift2Rail, zooming in on the main factors that determine Customer Experience and Mode Choice.
Save the date!
On-line event
26/06/2021, 10:00 – 14:30 CET
More information coming soon!