The group of experts on passenger information in main international stations and hubs held its inaugural meeting at the United Nations in Geneva in July. Christopher Irwin represented EPF and made a presentation on The Passengers’ Perspective. The group was convened at the request of the Rail Working Party, itself a sub-group of the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s Inland Transport Committee.

The ITC, established in 1947, is the highest policy-making body of UNECE in the field of transport. It provides a unique intergovernmental forum where European countries, together with others from across the northern hemisphere, come together to forge tools for economic cooperation and adopt international legal instruments on inland transport. One of those tools is the European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC).

In his presentation, Christopher focused on passenger needs, considering diverse stages in the journey: planning the trip, navigating the station, wayfinding, paying particular attention to disruption management and challenges related to digitalisation. The presentation is available here.