The threats posed by the climate crisis call for immediate and concerted action at all levels of governance, while the green transition must not aggravate existing inequalities.
Amidst important climate negotiations at COP26, the European Passengers’ Federation together with the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), The European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO), POLIS (the network of European cities and regions for transport innovation), SGI Europe, Walk 21, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), the European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA), Eurocities, the European Disability Forum (EDF), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the Community of European Railways (CER), and UNIFE call upon the European Commission to produce an ambitious urban mobility framework (UMF) that will foster a sustainable and just mobility transition at the local level. Likewise, priority must be given to a radically expanded and more attractive public transport offer and more opportunities for active mobility, which will enable a carbon-neutral society while also providing enhanced mobility for all.