Decarbonisation of transport

By |October 22nd, 2016|

As public transport users, we have studied the European Commission´s Communication on this issue. However, we are disappointed by what it says – or even more – by what it does not say. For example, technical innovation is happening in the public transport sector as well as in the car industry. The EPF position paper can be downloaded through […]

EPF has its 21st Bulletin out….

By |October 10th, 2016|

Welcome to the 21st issue of our bulletin which shows you the work and interests of the European Passengers’ Federation and its member associations in 20 countries on behalf of customers in all modes of public transport. To download the document, please click here “EPF Bulletin #21”.

European Parliament publishes analysis of implementation appraisal for rail passenger rights and obligations

By |November 11th, 2016|

The European Parliament published a detailed 12-page report. This report is analysing what has happened since the adoption of this legislation in the European Parliament in 2007.

Augen zu und da: im Schlafwagen durch Europa

By |October 7th, 2016|

Europäische Fahrgäste fordern attraktive Nachtzüge in Europa

In einer mobilen Welt sind die Nachtzüge der Bahnen für die Reisenden häufig ein unverzichtbarer Teil ihrer Mobilitätswünsche. Abends einsteigen und morgens ausgeruht ankommen – das bieten nur klassische Nachtzüge, in denen die Reisenden auch wirklich liegen können. Umfragen unter Fahrgästen haben gezeigt, dass das Schlafen im Liegen als deutlich entspannter und angenehmer […]

EPF Bulletin #20 is out…

By |June 24th, 2016|

Welcome to the 20th issue of our bulletin which shows you the work and interests of the European Passengers’ Federation and its member associations in 20 countries on behalf of customers in all modes of public transport. To download the document, please click here “EPF Bulletin #20”.

CIPTEC: Collective Innovation for Public Transport

By |June 14th, 2016|

The European Passengers’ Federation is currently involved in the Horizon 2020 project ‘CIPTEC’, which stands for Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities.

The aim of the CIPTEC project is to explore the needs of both the supply and the demand side in the sector of Public Transport and indicate gaps that should be bridged, possibly by means of […]

Three meetings in DG MOVE concerning PRM TSI

By |June 5th, 2016|

On Monday 25th April (all day) there was a workshop regarding PRM TSI and the directives to implement NIPs, national implementation plans. EPF represenative Kurt Hultgren made a presentation. On Tuesday 26th April there was a conference regarding PRM TSI and its implications for all Member States. Approx 60 persons participated, among them from EPF Kurt Hultgren, Willy Smeulders […]

EPF’s second Summit Conference in Brussels

By |May 31st, 2016|

110 people registered for EPF’s second Summit Conference at the headquarters of the Airports Regions Conference in Brussels on May 26th. A Belgian rail strike led to some cancellations and some participants were thus unable to reach Brussels, but the room was still well-filled.

Speakers included transport industry professionals, researchers, MEPs and European Commission officials as well as members of […] new EPF member

By |May 9th, 2016|

The EPF Annual General Meeting took place after the conference and was attended by representatives of our affiliated member associations. The Belgian association was accepted as a new full member. This means that EPF now in total has 35 member organisations.

Stakeholder consultation on Regulation (EC) 1371/2007

By |May 9th, 2016|

EPF’s response to the stakeholder consultation on Regulation (EC) 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations can be consulted here.