Conditions for post-Covid state aid to airlines

By |July 12th, 2020|

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, many airlines are currently applying for, or receiving, state aid. EPF stresses that decisions taken today must be considered in a broader, long-term perspective and assessed against the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environment.

In EPF’s view, state aid to airlines must meet a number of conditions:

it should be temporary and take the form […]

The European Commission launches Re-open EU

By |July 10th, 2020|

Last month, the European Commission launched ‘Re-open EU’, a web platform to support a safe relaunch of travelling and tourism across Europe.

The platform provides real-time information on borders and available means of transport and tourism services in Member States. It also includes practical information provided by Member States on travel restrictions, public health and safety measures such as on physical […]

EPF priorities for the Year of Rail

By |July 5th, 2020|

EPF supports a Year of Rail that strongly focuses on end-user needs and satisfaction in both the passengers and freight sector. Here are our priorities:

Rail should become the natural ‘mode of choice’ for users and the backbone of Europe’s integrated green mobility system, building on its ability to carry large volumes safely, speedily, and sustainably.
The allocation of […]

EPF calls for harmonization of health safety measures in Public Transport and clear information for cross-border travelers

By |July 2nd, 2020|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) calls for a harmonization of health safety measures imposed in Public Transport within each European country and clear information for cross-border travelers.

As governments across Europe lift the travel restriction measures taken this spring to control the spread of COVID-19, public transport (PT) is slowly returning to normality and regaining its passengers. However, the “new normality” […]

Aviation recovery note EPF

By |July 1st, 2020|

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the entire transport sector hard. EPF was invited to a Round Table organised jointly by DG MOVE and DG COMP, to discuss with all relevant stakeholders the way forward towards a sustainable recovery strategy for the sector.

EPF has stressed the following points:

Firstly, in the short term, protection in case of airline insolvency is […]

EPF’s update on the current health safety measures in Public Transport

By |July 1st, 2020|

As governments across Europe lift the travel restriction measures taken this spring to control the spread of COVID-19, public transport (PT) is slowly returning to normality and regaining its passengers.

However, the “new normality” is very different from the reality we once knew and changes in health safety measures happen sometimes on a weekly basis. These safety rules can also […]

Public transport and COVID-19

By |June 29th, 2020|

On June 4., EPF delivered a presentation at the POLIS webinar on “Public transport and COVID-19: Getting the offer right… and safe!”.

The Covid-19 lockdown has reduced transport demand and has had a huge impact on modal choice: more people started to walk and cycle, but public transport and shared modes were used much less. Now, when transport demand will […]

FSR Observer: “Passengers need clear information”

By |June 26th, 2020|

Last February, EPF participated in the 13th Florence Air Forum, which dealt with the Review of the EU Air Services Regulation (Regulation (EC) N° 1008/2008).

The Florence School of Regulation has now published its Observer Policy Brief which summarises the main results of the stakeholder forum’s discussion and includes the following contributions:

– Air Services Regulation: Some Need for Review, by Matthias […]

EPF’s reaction to Rail Passenger Rights discussions

By |June 25th, 2020|

On the 22nd of June, EPF addressed a letter to the European Parliament’s TRAN and IMCO committee expressing our concerns around the recast of Rail Passenger Rights.

From the preparations in view of the third trilogue on 23 June 2020, we got the impression that the Council would like to achieve the following key points:

Introduction of force majeure in […]

Year of Rail: strengthen rail passenger rights!

By |June 16th, 2020|

With the 2021 YearofRail getting closer, we see an opportunity to strengthen the rights of all passengers.

Together with the European Disability Forum, BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation and AGE Platform Europe we published a letter asking for the European Year of Rail to have a focus on the rights of of all #railpassengers.