The last few weeks, EPF has been busy!

By |October 29th, 2020|

We participated in the following events:

Urban Mobility Days (01.10): Delphine Grandsart presented the HiReach project during the session “Affordable, accessible and inclusive mobility”. Check our presentation or rewatch our session here!
Round Table on Sustainable Transport (06.10) organised by CSIGG, the centre for Sustainability, Innovation and Good governance, attended by 40 high-level participants
EIT Urban Mobility Talks (21.10): Evelien […]

SHOW-Ideathon on 4 Dec 2020 – Save the date!

By |October 27th, 2020|

In the context of the task “Users engagement and co-creation initiatives” within the SHOW project, ERTICO with the support of EPF  is organizing the first SHOW-Ideathon on 4 December 2020 from 9am to 12pm CET.

The event will gather a selection of stakeholders involved in CCAM (Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility) and will aim at producing ideas that address citizens’ […]

Open letter to MEPs regarding Rail Passengers’ Rights

By |October 22nd, 2020|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), which comprises of some 40 national and regional passengers’ associations covering more than 20 European states, wishes to draw your attention to its serious reservations about the Agreement concerning the recast of Regulation 1371/2007 on Rail Passengers Rights resulting from the recent trilogue.

EPF welcomed the position taken by the Parliaments in its plenary vote […]

Future mobility and consumer policy

By |October 20th, 2020|

The European Commission (DG MOVE) is currently conducting an evaluation of the 2011 White Paper ‘Roadmap to a single European transport area – towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’. The aim of the evaluation is to collect and analyse evidence to help assess whether it has achieved its objectives in an effective and efficient manner. Recently, the […]

EPF urges the EU to protect passengers’ rights

By |October 7th, 2020|

The European Passengers Federation (EPF) has taken note of the Press release of the European Council on the provisional agreement of the proposed reform of the rail passengers rights. A press release is not always the most reliable source of information, but it is at the moment the only information we have.
From what we have read we have to […]

EPF’s concerns regarding the trialogue on Rail Passengers’ Rights

By |September 29th, 2020|

Ahead of the fourth trilogue on Rail Passengers’ Rights, the European Passengers’ Federation wrote to MEPs from the TRAN and IMCO committe expressing our worries on the status of the current discussions.

From the preparations in view of the fourth trilogue on 1 October 2020, we get the impression that the Council would like to achieve the following key points:


Towards a sustainable recovery strategy for aviation

By |September 28th, 2020|

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the entire transport sector hard. EPF is taking part in the Round Table discussions organised jointly by DG MOVE and DG COMP, to discuss with all relevant stakeholders the way forward towards a sustainable recovery strategy for European aviation. The main issues for EPF are restoring public confidence and making aviation more sustainable.

Restoring public […]

EPF’s third update on the current health safety measures in Public Transport

By |September 24th, 2020|

So far, 2020 has been a year in which change was our only certainty.

Policies and recommendations changed almost on a weekly base and with that came the quite normal human feeling of fear. Nowadays we are not only fighting an invisible enemy (COVID-19), but also a very real feeling of anxiety whenever we step out of our houses.

This new reality […]

A Compelling Vision for the Target Railway System: passengers’ priorities

By |September 17th, 2020|

On September 16., EPF Board Member Christopher Irwin presented the rail passengers’ priorities at a webinar organised by ERA under the heading ‘A Compelling Vision for the Target Railway System’. Other speakers were J. Doppelbauer (ERA), K. Bauer (ÖBB, representing a railway service operator’s perspective) and J. Lüscher (BAV, representing a regulatory body’s perspective).

Hers is a summary of passengers’ […]

Join the SHOW stakeholder forum

By |September 15th, 2020|

Are you active in the field of autonomous urban mobility? Are you interested in participating in one of the largest ever European projects on Connected & Cooperative Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) for public transport? Join the SHOW Stakeholder Forum!

It will give you the opportunity to:

Be invited to large-scale events and workshops organised together with the 69 members of SHOW;
Influence […]