Kick-off Year of Rail

By |March 29th, 2021|

The 29th of March 2021 marked the start of the European Year of Rail with an on-line event organized by the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission. This kick-off event brought together key actors of the sector: government representatives, train operators and end-user representatives and counted on the presence of […]

Sector Stakeholder Statement on International Rail Passenger Services

By |March 30th, 2021|

Following intense work with the International Rail Passenger Platform (IRP), stakeholders from the rail sector have issued a collective statement on international rail passenger services. The Rail stakeholders have been advising the Platform formally for the last six months in a ‘Sector Mirror Group’ to the IRP.

The Sector Mirror Group consists of representatives of railway undertakings (CER/ALLRAIL/UIC/CIT), infrastructure managers (EIM/CER/UIC), railway […]

INDIMO’s first public event: the report

By |March 31st, 2021|

On 11th March 2021 INDIMO held its first public event titled “What do users want? A reality check on needs, capabilities, and constraints towards inclusive digital mobility services”. The purpose of the event was to shed light on the results collected in the first year of the project, focusing on the investigation of preferences, perceived barriers, and needs of vulnerable users […]

Towards a performance regime between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings

By |March 19th, 2021|

The role of Infrastructure Managers (IM) should be taken into account in the assessment of the service quality delivered to customers. Involving IM in the bonus-penalty system included in public service contracts would foster an attitude that is more focused on the interests of the customer, says EPF. This is key to a reliable and attractive railway system.

Bonus-malus systems are useful […]

Join us in the kick-off of the European Year of Rail

By |March 23rd, 2021|

EPF supports a Year of Rail that strongly focuses on end-user needs and satisfaction in both the passengers and freight sector.

The launch event for the European Year of Rail (29/03/2021), which is organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission, will be an unique opportunity to debate the benefits […]

EPF is hiring – Project & Policy Officer

By |March 5th, 2021|

For its Ghent-based secretariat, EPF is looking for an experienced project & policy officer to strengthen our motivated team!

The main tasks associated with this position involve:

Project management

Conduct research activities (desk research, interviews, surveys, …)
Organise workshops and focus groups with end-users and/or experts
Develop communication campaigns towards citizens
Conduct communication activities: write articles, social media posts, ….
Draft […]

Multi-Modal Stations: EPF presentation at IRS 10 summit

By |March 1st, 2021|

On 23. February 2021, Kurt Hultgren represented EPF at the International Railway Summit Conference (IRS 10).

The topic was Multi-Modal Stations. Kurt underlined the importance of realising that “What is necessary to some is favourable to most others” as the best way to include PRMs. He also quoted Stig Larsson, former CEO of SJ and president of UIC, saying that investments […]

‘Adopting a passengers’ perspective is essential for the shift to rail’

By |February 25th, 2021|

“Railway operators should work together more. If we get people out of the car and into the train, everyone will benefit”, says Delphine Grandsart, researcher at the European Passenger Federation (EPF). In an interview with RailTech, she talks about the needs of passengers, through-ticketing, and the importance of a user-centered approach for achieving a shift to rail.

There are two […]

INDIMO event: “What do users want” on 11. March

By |February 25th, 2021|

The first public event of INDIMO titled “What do users want? A reality check on needs, capabilities, and constraints towards inclusive digital mobility services” will take place online on 11th March 2021, from 10.00 to 11.30 CET. It will shed light on the results collected in the first year of the project, focusing on the investigation of preferences, perceived barriers, and needs of vulnerable […]

EPF annual report 2020

By |February 25th, 2021|

The European Passengers’ Federation looks back on an eventful year with challenges like never before seen. The global COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with a new set of tasks and our team rose to the occasion, working for passenger rights even through difficult times.

The consequences of the pandemic were massive in every aspect of life and the transport sector was […]