Focus Highlights Solutions to Transport Poverty in Central and Eastern Europe

By |January 20th, 2025|

Focus (Association for Sustainable Development), a member of EPF based in Slovenia, recently carried out a study, ‘Good Practices to Address Transport Poverty in Central and Eastern Europe’, which highlights challenges faced by people and offers practical solutions to help improve mobility, particularly in areas with poor public transport systems.

Transport poverty, as defined in the European Social Climate Fund […]

Understanding Passenger Views on Train Performance

By |January 16th, 2025|

Transport Focus, one of EPF’s British members, recently commissioned research in order to gain a better understanding of the way that railway performance measures can best reflect passengers’ priorities. The research will help inform forthcoming decisions relating to a reset of the official passenger train performance measures.

The research was designed to explore passengers’ views and aspirations about train performance […]

A Call for a Barcelona-Paris Rail Shuttle

By |December 10th, 2024|

President of the Mobilitat Sostenible i Segura Foundation, Pau Noy, published an insightful article advocating for the establishment of a rail shuttle between Barcelona and Paris. His article, titled “Set up a rail shuttle between Barcelona and Paris,” highlights the compelling need for enhanced cross-border train services to meet the high latent demand for rail travel between the two […]

SHOW project concludes, paving the way for the future of automated urban mobility

By |November 29th, 2024|

The SHOW project (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, has successfully concluded after over four years of pioneering work. From January 2020 to September 2024, SHOW has brought together 66 partners across Europe to advance CCAM –  Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility – solutions that meet the evolving needs of […]

IRP meeting Oslo: EPF’s current approach to rail ticketing

By |November 29th, 2024|

EPF was represented at the Plenary meeting of the intergovernmental Platform on International Passenger Rail (the IRP) in Oslo at the end of November by Arriën Kruyt and Christopher Irwin. The meeting was hosted by the Railway Directorate of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport. Chris made a presentation on EPF’s current approach to rail ticketing.

Noting that rail travel accounts […]

EPF at the TRAN Committee Hearing on Passenger Rights

By |November 28th, 2024|

On November 18. 2024, the TRAN Committee of the European Parliament held a public hearing on passenger rights, gathering experts and stakeholders to discuss two legislative proposals introduced within the European Commission’s Passenger Mobility Package last year, aiming to strengthen passenger rights through better enforcement and introducing protection specifically tailored to multimodal journeys.

Representing EPF, Senior Researcher Delphine Grandsart participated […]

European Business Travellers Call for German Rail Investment

By |November 21st, 2024|

Through co-signing an open letter (published on 21. November), EPF joined a Europe-wide alliance of business travellers urging the current and future German government to create the necessary conditions for the reliable expansion, modernisation, and renovation of Germany’s rail network.

The open letter has been signed by a wide range of associations, companies, and organisations from across the EU and […]

Save the Date: EPF 22nd Annual Conference

By |November 18th, 2024|

EPF is excited to announce its 22nd annual conference, taking place on 13 and 14 June 2025 at the Steam Museum in Swindon, UK.

This year’s conference will spotlight best practices and insights across four key topics:

✅ Back to state-operated public transport? – from deregulation to regulation, lessons from the British experience;
✅ Ticketing and information – seamless travel: regional, cross-border, […]

EU-Rail project MOTIONAL holds mid-term event in Madrid

By |October 30th, 2024|

On 29. October, EPF was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the mid-term event of the FP1 – MOTIONAL project in Madrid. The event presented a unique opportunity to showcase and discuss the progress and milestones of the project with industry professionals and gain valuable insights.

FP1 – MOTIONAL is one of the Flagship (FP) projects funded by the […]

UPPER Project Resources

By |October 29th, 2024|

The Horizon Europe funded UPPER project, in which EPF is a project partner, aims to strengthen the role of public transport as a cornerstone of sustainable and innovative mobility across Europe. As part of this initiative, several deliverables have been published recently, providing insights and resources for unleashing the potential of urban mobility:

D2.1 User groups’ mobility needs, motivations […]