May 1st marked the official launch of our newest project: InclusiveSpaces: Designs, Tools & Frameworks For Creating An Accessible & Inclusive Built Environment For All, For Now & For The Future. Coordinated by cambiaMO, the project consists of 17 partners from 9 European countries including Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland.

InclusiveSpaces specializes in the inclusive design and evaluation of urban spaces, focusing on accessibility and social cohesion for people with disabilities and older adults. The EU-funded project aims to develop innovative solutions that embrace universal design principles and climate-friendly practices. The key project tools include travel demand data and accessibility evaluation, comfort-based accessibility mapping, routing for visually and mobility-impaired individuals, digitised accessibility audits for buildings and public spaces, and a Universal Design Manual for the Built Environment. Additionally, the project will provide advanced assistive technologies such as shared electric wheelchairs, beach accessibility devices, upright tricycles, and other indoor and outdoor assistive tools. Six European cities will be the testbeds, with findings shaping actionable policies for a more inclusive, climate-friendly future.

On June 18th and 19th, the partners met in Madrid to kick-start this innovative project and discuss objectives for the next 3 years. EPF is excited to support InclusiveSpaces’ goal of fostering a sense of belonging for all members of society. We will lead the activities around producing policies, recommendations, roll-out plans and evaluation frameworks for the inclusiveness of the built environment.

Stay tuned for more updates! The project website is coming soon, but in the meantime, follow InclusiveSpaces on LinkedIn.

InclusiveSpaces has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101147881 and will run for a period of 3 years.