Michel Quidort, President of EPF, and Arriën Kruyt, as a member of the Board of EPF, had an interesting talk on April 1. with Mr. Joao Carvalho, chair and Mr. Serge Drugmand, vice-chair of IRG-Rail: the Independent Regulators Group – Rail.
“Regulators are the watchdogs passengers need”
Aim of IRG-Rail
The overall aim of the Independent Regulators’ Group – Rail is to facilitate the creation of a single, competitive, efficient and sustainable internal railways market in Europe. IRG-Rail acts as a platform for cooperation, information exchange and sharing of best practices between national railway regulators in order to face current and future regulatory challenges in railways and to promote a consistent application of the European regulatory framework.
EPF and IRG-Rail representatives exchanged points of view on:
- Ensuring passengers rights;
- Implementation of the Fourth Railway Package;
- Multimodality;
- Ensuring access to data;
- Slashing barriers to make through ticketing possible.
There was a lot of common ground between EPF and IRG-Rail and we promised to keep in touch in the future.
EPF President Michel Quidort finished the meeting with well chosen words: “regulators are the watchdogs passengers need”.
Arriën Kruyt