PRM Advisory Body meeting

By |October 12th, 2018|

The DG MOVE Advisory Body had a meeting in Brussels on 2 October, attended by Kurt Holtgren representing EPF.

It is quite clear that the users’ point of view has to be given to the Commission, especially since the MS representatives in the Advisory Body (as well as in the ERA PRM WG) are the NSA (National Safety Authorities) representatives, […]


By |September 25th, 2018|

EPF’s autumn General Meeting, which was held in Berlin, coincided with the rail sector’s major biennial trade event, Innotrans.  EPF representatives held meetings with key players, including Josef Doppelbauer, the Executive Director of the European Railway Agency, and senior representatives of major rolling stock manufacturers.  These provided an opportunity to press the case for manufacturers to pay greater attention […]

IT2RAIL wins S2R award

By |September 18th, 2018|

During InnoTrans2018, Commissioner Bulc handed over the Shift2Rail JU R&I Award 2018 for the ‘Digitalisation’ category to the coordinator of the IT2Rail project. Congratulations to the 27 consortium members for achieving this honourable distinction!

The IT2Rail -“Information Technologies for Shift2Rail” project is a first step towards the long term IP4 -“IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services”, one of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking’s […]

About Swifts, Swallows and Peregrines

By |September 11th, 2018|

By night train from Berlin to Moscow It can be called an expedition of exploring to the east which members of the passenger association of TreinTramBus from Belgium, Rover from the Netherlands and Fahrgastverband PRO BAHN from Germany did in May 2018. Actually it was an educational trip of the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) focused on the topics public transport […]

Travellers’ demand for the Travel Companion

By |August 20th, 2018|

Within the GOF4R project, EPF is the leader of Work Package 2 on ‘User Demand’. The report Analysis of the demand of travellers for the TC summarises the results obtained. The full report is now available for download. 

EPF White Paper on IP4 concepts End-user applicability

By |August 18th, 2018|

The European Passengers’ Federation’s White Paper on IP4 concepts End-user applicability is now available for download. EPF has published this White Paper in the framework of the IT2Rail project, which has now finished and has organised its final conference in Vienna on April 18th @TRA.

Force majeure – recast rail passenger rights

By |June 18th, 2018|

As a response to the proposed recast of regulation (EC) 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations, EPF addressed a letter to the Members of Parliament as well as to the members of TRAN and IMCO committee, to express our concerns.

The proposed force majeure clause in the proposed recast would impose disproportionately high costs and financial risks upon passengers. […]

Cross-border rail study

By |June 26th, 2018|

The European Passengers’ Federation, as a subcontractor to KCW, was involved in a study commissioned by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO) on the Comprehensive analysis of the existing cross-border transport connections and missing links on the internal EU borders. The study consisted of the following:

the preparation of an inventory of […]

IT2Rail final conference successfully held on 18th April

By |June 1st, 2018|

The IT2Rail Final Conference was successfully held on the 18th April in Vienna. Taking advantage of the Transport Research Arena (TRA2018) taking place in Vienna during that same week, the event was attended by participants from all over Europe. The event was opened by Mr Keir Fitch, Head of the Rail Safety & Interoperability Unit at DG MOVE, who stressed […]

ESBF_2 final conference

By |April 30th, 2018|

Vienna, 18 April 2018 – UITP has held the final conference to bring a close to the EBSF_2 Project (The European Bus System of the Future 2)  – where leading public transport and industry representatives gathered to discuss the success of this pioneering project during the TRA 2018 ( European Transport Research Arena ).

EPF was a partner in the […]