Launch of TSGA regulatory services

By |October 18th, 2019|

TSGA (TAP TSI Services Governance Association) was set up in December 2016 by DB, Trenitalia and SNCF Mobilités, as founding members, in order to build the TAP TSI regulatory services and make them available for rail stakeholders, as stated in the TAP TSI Regulation.

The TSGA constitutes one of the key milestones towards fully implementing the Regulation, acting as an […]

PRM-TSI: last Working Party meeting

By |September 15th, 2019|

EPF has been one of three user NGOs participating in the Working Party dealing with the revision of Regulation 1300/2014 on Accessibility for PRM in rail travel.

The work has been going on since 2011. Now the last WP meeting has taken place, after almost eight years of work in several stages. ERA will in January present the text for […]

PRM need equal rights to train travel!

By |September 15th, 2019|

When Horst tried to take an early morning train to a meeting with the German ministry of Health, he was denied boarding: the train was there, but assistance was still closed. Taking a train after a flight is also an impossible task: most train station require pre-notification of 48 hours, which leaves passengers with reduced mobility stranded if the […]

Interrail: A successful story

By |September 10th, 2019|

Erika Silén and Marcus Holm, two young InterRail influencers from Sweden

We have the opportunity to act as InterRail influencers for the Swedish sales channel Europarunt which is hosted by SilverRail, a company that offers technical solutions for ticketing, mainly for train operators. We have traveled by InterRail lots of times and have experience with planning train routes, smart packing, […]

Have your say on future objectives for EU-funded research and innovation

By |August 29th, 2019|

What do you think are the most pressing challenges that EU-funded research and innovation should tackle? What are the most important impacts – scientific, technological, economic, societal – that EU-funded research and innovation should target?

Now you can share your views with the European Commission.

The Commission is preparing the implementation of Horizon Europe, the next and most ambitious EU […]

Major trial run of the TMaaS virtual traffic system during the Gentse Feesten

By |July 18th, 2019|

TMaaS will be carrying out a major trial run of its virtual traffic and mobility management dashboard during the Gentse Feesten. The Gentse Feesten is the ideal occasion for this baptism of fire, because during those ten days the city will be flooded with masses of people. This represents a major challenge in terms of mobility and the ideal […]

The potential of the rail sector for delivering EU policy priorities

By |June 26th, 2019|

The European Committee of the Regions is currently preparing an own-initiative opinion on “The potential of the rail sector in delivering EU policy priorities”. The European Passengers’ Federation was invited to share its opinion.

Despite its potential, the rail sector has largely failed to meet the goals set for it in the 2011 White Paper. If rail is to play its […]

International train travel can be better

By |June 13th, 2019|

The discussion on climate change has in some countries led to the conclusion that there should be less travel by plane. The other conclusion is that people should use trains instead of planes on distances up to approximately 500 kilometres. In reality many flights are used on rather short distances. The railway companies point out that airlines do not […]

Exemptions for bus-coach passenger rights

By |May 16th, 2019|

Report from the Commission regarding exemptions granted by member states under regulation (EU) No 181/2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport.

The EC has just published a report in connection with the exemptions granted under this regulation which came into force on 1st March 2013 and contains a series of rights for passengers who travel by bus […]

Launch European Transport and Mobility Forum

By |April 1st, 2019|

On March 25., EPF was represented at the launch of the European Transport and Mobility Forum, a platform that intends to become a place for discussion and debate, providing a voice for users and fostering cross-fertilization of technologies and knowledge-transfer between modes and with stakeholders beyond transport.