Successful EPF conference in Copenhagen

By |July 29th, 2022|

The annual EPF conference was held in Copenhagen on 10 and 11 June. The two conference days gathered European passenger organizations, public transport operators, politicians and officials at EU level. Over 70 participants from different European countries took part in the seminars and the evening events.

On the first day, the conference was opened by the Danish Minister of Transport […]

Belgian Railways on their way to 2040

By |June 30th, 2022|

This autumn, some crucial decisions will be taken regarding the future of the Belgian railways. There will be a new public service contract with the NMBS/SNCB and a performance contract with the infrastructure manager Infrabel, supplemented by multi-year investment plans. Belgium finally has a rail policy again, but without the necessary people and resources, it threatens to remain nothing […]

R2A workshop on Educational Campaigns

By |June 30th, 2022|

The Ride2Autonomy project is organising its second workshop on 7. July (9:30-12:00) on the topic of Educational Campaign guidelines for automated shuttle solutions. 

The aim of the workshop is to provide guidance on how to plan educational outreach campaigns to increase user acceptance of automated shuttle solutions, including engagement methodologies on how to target different user groups (particularly citizens) and illustrate success factors […]

Transport Focus report ‘What do passengers want’

By |June 8th, 2022|

One of EPF’s UK members, Transport Focus, speaks to tens of thousands of passengers each year as part of large-scale ‘tracker’ surveys and smaller bespoke insight reports.  The organisation, which is publicly funded, is the independent watchdog representing the interests of Britain’s rail passengers (excluding Northern Ireland), of bus and tram passengers in England (outside London) and passengers on […]

Second Sector Stakeholder Statement on International Passenger Rail Services

By |June 1st, 2022|

PRESS RELEASE The Ministerial Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport (IRP) was set up to improve the framework conditions for the development of international passenger rail services in Europe, facilitating modal shift and the goals of the Green Deal. As co-chairs of the Mirror Group that represents rail sector stakeholders in the Platform’s work, we warmly welcome its latest […]

Interpretative guidelines on PSOs revised

By |March 28th, 2022|

In order to comply with the Green Deal’s objectives, the European Commission has decided to clarify under which conditions the PSO Regulation 1370/2007 could apply to other than local and regional public transport services. To EPF, precisions included in the revised guidelines are welcomed as they reinforce the importance of rail and multimodality.

Thus, with a view to the necessary […]

Renewal of night trains conference

By |February 28th, 2022|

On 23. February, Josef Schneider, Chairman of EPF, participated in a high-level conference on “The renewal of night trains in Europe”, focusing on night trains’ potential as a sustainable mode of transport at the service of regional development.

EPF welcomes any additional offers of public transport. A network of European night train connections enables rail travellers to cover longer distances. […]

CER Ticketing Roadmap: monitoring progress necessary

By |February 24th, 2022|

On 20. September 2021, the CER published a “Ticketing roadmap”, available on the internet here. EPF has assessed the contents of this roadmap as basically positive. However, the fact that many of the developments are only promised for a period of 5 or in some cases 10 years, is viewed critically. From the passenger’s point of view, the basic […]

European conference on Automated and Connected driving

By |February 22nd, 2022|

France hosted a European Conference on Automated and Connected driving on 16-17 February 2022. EPF was invited to take part in the workshop on acceptance and impacts. For EPF, the first question related to CCAM to ask is: What’s in it for the passengers – and what’s in it for society? Technology is an enabler, not a goal in […]

Train to Kaunas

By |February 17th, 2022|

Kaunas has made a wonderful start to its year as European Capital of Culture. The opening events this month have motivated us all to try to travel to Kaunas at some point by the end of the year.

Unfortunately though, it is currently not possible to reach Kaunas by train! Re-opening cross-border rail services between Lithuania and its EU neighbours […]