Amsterdam-Frankfurt-München-Wien-Budapest Corridor

By |September 13th, 2023|

Three years ago, in September 2020, the German government proposed the creation of a new European network of cross-border long distance railway passenger services.  It dubbed it TEE 2.0.  The initial fanfare provided a valuable impulse for transport ministries across Europe to think about what might best be achieved.  Much of this exploratory work has been done through the […]

EU-wide multimodal travel – new specifications for information services

By |July 3rd, 2023|

On 31. May, the European Commission published a Draft Act, amending the MMTIS Delegated Regulation on Multi Modal Travel Information Services (EU) 2017/1926. EPF provided its feedback on 28. June.

EPF welcomes the revision of the MMTIS Regulation, in that the scope of mandatory data to be shared by transport service providers, infrastructure managers and transport authorities through National Access […]

International Rail Passenger Transport platform publishes its 3rd progress report

By |June 2nd, 2023|

On 1. June, the Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport* published its third integrated progress report. The report includes the main results, conclusions and follow-up actions in the topics from the indicative workplans from 2021 and 2022.

On rail ticketing, both voluntary sector actions and the discussion for regulatory progress are addressed, to boost international rail tickets distribution at short to […]

ITS Congress Lisbon – The Game Changer

By |May 31st, 2023|

The 15th ITS Europe Congress took place in Lisbon from 22 to 24 May 2023. The ITS Europe Congress is dedicated to smart mobility and the digitalisation of transport. The theme this year was ‘The Game Changer’. EPF participated in two sessions, connected to our H2020 projects AURORA (on UAM – Urban Air Mobility) and SHOW (on CCAM – […]

Connecting Europe by train: 10 EU pilot services to boost cross-border rail

By |February 5th, 2023|

The Commission’s decision to support 10 pilot projects for a mixture of new cross-border railway passenger services or the enhancement of existing ones is promoted as signalling its support for sustainable mobility. But for some observers, this being more about appearances than substance. As is often the case with public transport matters, ‘the Devil is in the Detail’. The […]

EPF’s view on Journey Continuation by rail (AJC)

By |January 27th, 2023|

The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) issued a press release in October 2022 announcing an Agreement on Journey Continuation (AJC). The content of the statement gives the passenger hope that, in the event of a loss of connection, he or she will be taken to his or her destination by […]

Sustainable mobility going backwards with the diminution of cross-border trains between France and Spain

By |December 12th, 2022|

Since 2013, Spanish public rail operator Renfe and French SNCF have been operating services together between France and Spain through Catalonia. However, on 11 December 2022, this cooperation ended and from now on only two trains a day in each direction will cross the border through the Perthus Tunnel.

The Barcelona-Lyon and Madrid-Marseille connections, operated by Renfe, will not run […]

Join our CCAM webinar!

By |August 30th, 2022|

On 14. September, EPF and UITP will jointly organise a webinar combining insights from the two EU-funded projects SHOW and Ride2Autonomy, both dealing with the topic of automated mobility.

Date: 14 September 2022

Time: 14:00-15:30 CET

Topic: CCAM user acceptance and user engagement


Public perception of CCAM: general overview of factors affecting user acceptance (H. Cornet, UITP)
User engagement strategies: how to […]

INDIMO transferability workshop (Rome, 5. October)

By |August 16th, 2022|

5th INDIMO Co-creation Community Workshop: Transferability of the INDIMO tools to a wider European context – 5th October in Rome, Italy
Do you belong to one of the INDIMO target groups?

Citizens, with a special focus on vulnerable-to-exclusion groups
NGOs and/or associations representing people with special needs
UX/UI designers, graphic designers and developers of digital mobility solutions
Mobility/delivery service providers

Passenger hubs – the end-users’ perspective

By |August 12th, 2022|

On 26. July, EPF took part in a workshop organised by the Ministerial Platform for International Rail Passenger Transport, dealing with the topic of ‘Developing Passenger Hubs for Better Intermodality’.

In order to facilitate international rail passenger transport and inspired by the example of uniformity of international airports (e.g. standard colors, standard signs), UNECE (the United Nations Economic Commission for […]