Towards a performance regime between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings

By |March 19th, 2021|

The role of Infrastructure Managers (IM) should be taken into account in the assessment of the service quality delivered to customers. Involving IM in the bonus-penalty system included in public service contracts would foster an attitude that is more focused on the interests of the customer, says EPF. This is key to a reliable and attractive railway system.

Bonus-malus systems are useful […]

‘Adopting a passengers’ perspective is essential for the shift to rail’

By |February 25th, 2021|

“Railway operators should work together more. If we get people out of the car and into the train, everyone will benefit”, says Delphine Grandsart, researcher at the European Passenger Federation (EPF). In an interview with RailTech, she talks about the needs of passengers, through-ticketing, and the importance of a user-centered approach for achieving a shift to rail.

There are two […]

DB talks too much about the weather

By |February 17th, 2021|

In the beginning of February, cold weather and heavy snowfall in Germany have put people in all means of transport to a hard test – especially on the railways. There have been a lot of train cancellations, individual rail lines were still closed and loaded goods trains had to stay parked in the middle of nowhere for days. In […]

Smart & Sustainable Mobility Strategy presented at EPF GM

By |January 20th, 2021|

During the last EPF General Meeting on 16.1.2021, DG Move presented the key points of the Smart & Sustainable Mobility Strategy. 

During the discussion of all present representatives of the EPF member federations there was agreement that the question of CO2 neutrality was well elaborated in the strategy and that the paths to achieve this goal are sensibly described. EPF […]

Link the Iberian Peninsula and Central Europe with Night Trains

By |January 13th, 2021|

Back on Track launched a petition urging the Spanish, French, and Portuguese governments (the latter of which is now taking presidency of the Council of the EU, in the first half of 2021 – The European Year of the Rail) to consider not only resuming the recently stopped Portugal-France night train connection, but also extending it to a major train hub […]

Punctuality report of European trains

By |January 4th, 2021|

A comparative study of punctuality for passenger trains in different European countries considers that countries with high demand for train traveling could be a driving factor in achieving reliable railway systems with high punctuality. The study indicates that punctuality at an overall level is better in countries that invest more in railway infrastructure. However, it states that it is […]

UIC publishes state-of-the-art “Contamination Rates on Trains”

By |December 28th, 2020|

The UIC (International Union of Railways) has published a state-of-the-art document with examples of scientific evidence, case studies and mathematical models that shows that clusters of Covid-19 are rare on public transport and among train staff, and that the probability of becoming infected on public transport is relatively low.

A separate chapter focuses on the risk perception of Covid-19 on […]

Night trains are coming back

By |December 18th, 2020|

PAU NOY, 17.12.2020

Little by little Europe deflects its bow from unsustainable transport to the sustainable one. Where competitiveness was required before, we now hear about zero-emission transport. Priorities are changing and they are moving fast. It is clear that the COVID pandemic has opened the eyes of European rulers. It doesn’t deal that the virus has been the catalyst […]

How digital innovation can benefit (rail) passengers

By |November 30th, 2020|

On the 19th of November 2020, EPF organized two stakeholder workshops in the context of the Shift2Rail IP4 programme, focusing on “How can digital innovation benefit rail passengers?”. The workshops brought together experts representing all types of (rail) passengers.

During each of these two-hour sessions we created a privileged space for relevant stakeholders to discuss how digital tools can be […]

How can IT solutions improve passengers’ travel experience?

By |October 30th, 2020|

You are planning your next international trip but you can’t seem to find which train(s) to take. Your train is slowing down and it seems you won’t be able to make the connection. You don’t know if the next stop is yours. What would you do? How could digital solutions help you overcome such problems and achieve a better […]