EPF’s new project Children and youth empowerment through DecidiUM digital platform

By |November 8th, 2021|

Mobility habits, needs and preferences of children and youth are often forgotten in the planning and decision-making process. The European project CES4Kids focuses precisely on listening and understanding these demands from pupils, as well as empowering new generations to be participants in the co-creation of mobility planning.

Supported by the EIT Urban Mobility, within the framework of the Citizen Engagement […]

AURORA’s first stakeholder workshop

By |October 20th, 2021|

AURORA will involve end-users and relevant stakeholders in all phases of its journey, to ensure that our innovative solutions meet the needs of citizens and stakeholders, resulting in services with added value.

To commence our stakeholder engagement activities, AURORA organised a first virtual workshop on Tuesday, September 28th 2021, from 13:00 to 17:00 CEST.

Overall we can see that UAM’s success […]

Local regulation of shared, connected and automated mobility services

By |September 30th, 2021|

Shared, connected and automated shuttles, (mini)busses and robotaxis complementing the public transport system are the next major trend in the urban mobility landscape. Like other new mobility services, they have the potential to reduce the number of car trips, but at the same they could also disrupt local transport systems and challenge existing traffic regulations.

In the framework of the […]

SHOW Pre-Hackathon workshop

By |September 30th, 2021|

Are you interested in knowing more about CCAM (Connected, Cooperative, Automated Mobility) and how it can benefit citizens and society? Would you like to help us improve our automated mobility services?

We warmly invite you to our SHOW PRE-HACKATHON workshop that will take place at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg on Tuesday 12 October 2021, 4.30 pm – 6.45 […]

Ride2Autonomy: New EU-Funded Project to Promote Automated Shuttles’ Integration into Public Transport

By |September 11th, 2021|

Press Release, 23/08/2021

Combining the efforts of ten automated shuttle demonstrations, the recently awarded EU Project Ride-to-Autonomy will help to develop new passenger mobility concepts leading to healthier, safer, more accessible, sustainable, cost-effective and demand-responsive transport.

Automation is an essential part of the future transport development. In this context, Ride-to-Autonomy will demonstrate autonomous shuttles’ integration into the transport system in ten […]

First SHOW Hackathon is coming!

By |August 31st, 2021|

Interested in knowing more about Connected, Cooperative, Automated Mobility (CCAM) and how it can benefit citizens and society? Seize the opportunity to take part in SHOW’s Hackathon and help us improve our automated mobility services! The SHOW Hackathon will take place in hybrid form on 23-24-25 November 2021; a pre-Hackathon event will be organized in person on 12 October 2021 at […]

INDIMO 3rd co-creation workshop

By |August 28th, 2021|

The INDIMO project is hosting its 3rd Co-creation Workshop on 30 September 2021, 10.00 – 14.00 h CEST (online). This workshop is a part of a series of Co-creation events that will result in creating the INDIMO digital mobility toolbox. This toolbox will provide a framework and guidelines to transport and logistic stakeholders for the design and implementation of accessible […]

SHOW automated mobility acceptance survey

By |August 25th, 2021|

The SHOW project (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) has launched a survey to gain a deeper understanding of citizens’ needs, wants and acceptance of transportation solutions today and in the future, when automated solutions will be a part of the overall mobility system.

User demand and user acceptance are critical success factors for the market uptake of AV […]

AURORA first stakeholder workshop

By |August 31st, 2021|

The EU-funded project AURORA (sAfe Urban aiR mObility for euRopeAn citizens) will develop and integrate safety-critical technologies to support autonomous flight UAM in urban environments, focusing its demonstrations primarily on emergency-related applications. To foster adoption of UAM, AURORA will involve end-users and relevant stakeholders in all phases of its journey.

AURORA believes in creating solutions that do not only extend and complement current mobility systems, but more importantly have a […]

Bringing the user voice to INDIMO

By |July 15th, 2021|

EPF brings the user’s voice to the INDIMO project, which aims to break barriers in accessing digitally interconnected transport systems. The INDIMO project began in January 2020 and will run until December 2022.

Its main objectives are to:

Better understand and improve knowledge about user needs and requirements in digital transport systems.
Co-create tools that contribute to an inclusive, universally accessible and personalised […]