GEMINI website launched!

By |September 21st, 2023|

The GEMINI project, in which EPF is participating as a research partner has launched its website!

GEMINI – Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives – is a  Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission. The project had its official kick-off meeting on 28th – 29th of June 2023 in Potsdam,  and is a 3.5 year project.

The GEMINI project […]

IMPACTS workshop report on creating safer public transport

By |July 31st, 2023|

The IMPACTS Project aims to enhance public transport safety, encourage mutual support, and improve urban mobility through innovative solutions. In order to obtain relevant feedback from stakeholders on these innovations, EPF organised an onsite workshop on Saturday, 3rd of June 2023 in Barcelona, as part of the EPF annual conference (agenda). Prior to the workshop, EPF distributed a pre-workshop […]

EPF at the LynX4Rail Final Event

By |July 26th, 2023|

On May 23rd, Delphine Grandsart of EPF participated in the final event of Lynx4Rail and Lynx4Rail II at the UIC premises in Paris.

Europe’s Rail JU is a public-private partnership in the rail sector, co-financed by the Horizon Europe programme, funding research and innovation and harmonising standards to deliver the railway system of the future. In order to ensure that […]

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    GEMINI: Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives

GEMINI: Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives

By |July 3rd, 2023|

Last week on June 28th and 29th we officially kicked off the GEMINI project (Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives) in Potsdam, Germany. Coordinated by the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI), this Horizon Europe-funded project consists of 43 partners and will run for 3.5 years.

The GEMINI project aims to reinforce modal shift through the demonstration and uptake of […]

ITS Congress Lisbon – The Game Changer

By |May 31st, 2023|

The 15th ITS Europe Congress took place in Lisbon from 22 to 24 May 2023. The ITS Europe Congress is dedicated to smart mobility and the digitalisation of transport. The theme this year was ‘The Game Changer’. EPF participated in two sessions, connected to our H2020 projects AURORA (on UAM – Urban Air Mobility) and SHOW (on CCAM – […]

UPPER website launched!

By |May 30th, 2023|

The UPPER project – in which EPF is participating as a research partner – has launched its website!

UPPER – Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe – is a Horizon Europe project running from January 2023 to December 2026.

UPPER aims to spearhead a public transport revolution that will strengthen its role as the cornerstone of sustainable mobility and […]

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    Take part in the IMPACTS survey about public transport safety

Take part in the IMPACTS survey about public transport safety

By |May 30th, 2023|

The IMPACTS project invites you to take part in a survey!

IMPACTS, a one-year project supported by EIT Urban Mobility, is testing the introduction of feedback mechanisms amongst users of public transport systems to jointly strengthen safety, enable mutual support and improve the urban environment. The project aims to foster trust and empower passengers to report issues that make them […]

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    IMPACTS: Inclusive Mobility Public and Collaborative Trusted Spaces

IMPACTS: Inclusive Mobility Public and Collaborative Trusted Spaces

By |March 29th, 2023|

On 6 February 2023, the EIT Urban Mobility “IMPACTS” project (Inclusive Mobility: Public and Collaborative Trusted Spaces) launched its work during a successful kick-off meeting in Athens, Greece. EPF is glad and excited to be part of the project consortium which consists of 7 members from Germany, Greece, Croatia, Turkey and Belgium.
Public transport (PT) supports the mobility of all […]

EPF at the Amsterdam Drone Week

By |March 27th, 2023|

On 22 March, our colleague Wandi Chivaura represented the European Passengers’ Federation and the AURORA project at the Amsterdam Drone Week, where she participated in a panel discussion on “What’s on the horizon for UAM in the European landscape”. The discussion which was organised by EIT Urban Mobility, saw the gathering of professionals in the UAM domain including Dominique […]

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    UPPER project launches: Unleashing the innovative potential of public transport

UPPER project launches: Unleashing the innovative potential of public transport

By |January 26th, 2023|

EPF is excited to announce the launch of the new EU-funded project UPPER (Unleashing the Potential of Public transport in EuRope) which aims at spearheading a public transport revolution, seeking to put public transport at the centre of the mobility ecosystem and strengthening its role as the flagship of sustainability and innovation of mobility in cities.

The project will implement a […]