Multimodal passenger rights

By |December 22nd, 2016|

On December 22nd 2016, the European Commission published a first political analysis of activities which might be needed to implement ‘multimodal passenger rights’. The document can be found here. EPF will study this in detail to be able to comment on this.

New interactive content on Air Passenger rights

By |December 19th, 2016|

The new interactive content on air passenger rights is now online. This new content takes into account the interpretative guidelines on air passenger rights adopted in June 2016 and the new format will allow passengers to find the information they need more easily in case of a travel disruption.

EPF view on EC proposal bus passenger rights

By |December 15th, 2016|

At their recent General Meeting, the representatives of the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) member associations discussed the Commission’s report to the European Parliament and European Council on the operation and the effects of Regulation 181/2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport. EPF members’ representatives came to the following conclusions:

EUROSTAT presently lacks sufficient appropriate data to […]

EC public consultation on rail passenger rights

By |December 15th, 2016|

From February to May 2016 the European Commission organized a public consultation on Rail passenger rights. This is one of the activities to prepare the revision of this regulation. The result has now been published on the Commission Website. EPF will analyze the results in detail and discuss them on its next General Meeting in Paris. But: participation of […]

European Parliament publishes analysis of implementation appraisal for rail passenger rights and obligations

By |November 11th, 2016|

The European Parliament published a detailed 12-page report. This report is analysing what has happened since the adoption of this legislation in the European Parliament in 2007.

Commission calls for stricter enforcement of passenger rights legislation in Europe

By |July 3rd, 2015|

Press Release from EC on Passenger Rights
As millions of European citizens will be travelling during the summer period, today the Commission is calling for better application and enforcement of passenger rights legislation in the European Union. As a first remedy, the Commission today adopted interpretative guidelines clarifying the existing rules in the rail sector.
EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: “Transport is not about […]

EPF inaugural summit in Brussels on the 9th of December 2014

By |December 15th, 2014|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) held its inaugural summit in Brussels. EPF believes that European transport policy needs to focus on the delivery of better end-to-end journeys for passengers. In order to ensure that passengers are at the heart of the EU policy making, EPF organised a policy summit in Brussels on the 9th of December.
This passenger-focused event was about […]

Presentation on Air Passengers Rights

By |May 26th, 2014|

EPF secretary Josef Schneider took the floor on the 9th Munich Liability Seminar, held by the European Air Law Association (EALA), to promote equal Passengers Rights in all modes of transport. Passengers Rights need to be consistent, publicised, monitored, reported and enforced. See the full presentation here.

Letter on Alternative Dispute Resolution

By |May 26th, 2014|

EPF, together with CER, CIT and the European Disabilitiy Forum EDF signed a joint letter to support the implementation on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) based on directive 2013/11/EU.

EPF, EDF, CER and CIT consider that an implementation of this Directive taking into account the above-mentioned criteria has the potential to increase the effectiveness of ADR schemes for both passengers and […]

EU Railway Conference

By |April 23rd, 2014|

European Railway Agency is organizing a High-Level Railway-Conference in Lille (F), 7th + 8th of May. You may find further information here. Christopher Irwin, EPF Vice chairman, is one of the speakers.