Interview with Violeta Bulc

By |July 1st, 2019|

Violeta Bulc: “My first priority is to ensure connectivity. The second one is efficiency – for citizens and businesses. Thirdly, we pay a lot of attention to lowering the negative externalities of transport, such as pollution, accidents and congestion.”

Interview Kurt Hultgren in ERA newsletter

By |March 25th, 2019|

The revisions of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability for Persons with Disabilities and with Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI) received a positive opinion in the European Commission’s Rail Interoperability and Safety Committee. ERA has started the development of an IT system containing data on how railway systems are equipped to support persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and how this information is transmitted to the passengers.

ERA’s […]

Sign up for our newsletter!

By |May 24th, 2018|

From 25 May 2018, the new European Data Protection Act (GDPR) will come into effect. That is good news, because the new rules offer better protection of your personal data. That is why EPF has adjusted its privacy statement. In addition to the new legislation, we also require your explicit permission to send newsletters and other updates about our […]

Personnel change for EPF

By |April 15th, 2018|

After six years at the centre of EPF’s activities Stijn Lewyllie, EPF’s Secretary General, has left EPF at the end of February.  He provided invaluable administrative under-pinning for the federation.  This allowed it to expand both the range of its activities and its influence.  It was assisted, in no small part, by Stijn’s natural flair for analysing complex issues […]

New Members in EPF’s Management Board

By |February 5th, 2018|

During the last Annual General Meeting (Luzern, 2 & 3 February), 3 positions in the Management Board have been new staffed.

Rian van der Borgt, acting since several years as treasurer was reelected for another 3 years’ period.
Chris Irwin from UK-based Transport Focus and also representing TravelWatch SouthWest had been member until spring 2017. He also has been […]

New President and Management Board

By |April 3rd, 2017|

EPF has held its annual general meeting in Rotterdam on 17th of March. During this annual general meeting a new president was elected: Michel Quidort from our French member association FNAUT. Michel already served in our Management Board.  The Management Board of EPF is composed now of  6 members. EPF would like to thank Trevor Garrod, our former president for […]

EPF has its 23rd Bulletin out….

By |March 13th, 2017|

Welcome to the 23rd issue of our bulletin which shows you the work and interests of the European Passengers’ Federation and its member associations in 21 countries on behalf of customers in all modes of public transport. To download the document, please click here “EPF Bulletin #23″.

New EPF member ProKolej

By |January 25th, 2017|

Since January, EPF has welcomed PRo Kolej as a new member. It is Pro Kolej’s mission to support the development of sustainable, ecological transport, and the protection of passenger rights and the rights of railway infrastructure users. More information can be found on their website:

New EPF members

By |October 26th, 2016|

On 22st October, EPF has accepted two new associated members: Council for Sustainable Transport Denmark ( und Union of Passengers Russia ( This means that EPF now in total has 37 member organisations.

EPF has its 21st Bulletin out….

By |October 10th, 2016|

Welcome to the 21st issue of our bulletin which shows you the work and interests of the European Passengers’ Federation and its member associations in 20 countries on behalf of customers in all modes of public transport. To download the document, please click here “EPF Bulletin #21”.