EPF meets IRG-Rail

By |April 7th, 2019|

Michel Quidort, President of EPF, and Arriën Kruyt, as a member of the Board of EPF, had an interesting talk on April 1. with Mr. Joao Carvalho, chair and Mr. Serge Drugmand, vice-chair of IRG-Rail: the Independent Regulators Group – Rail.
“Regulators are the watchdogs passengers need”
Aim of IRG-Rail

The overall aim of the Independent Regulators’ Group – Rail is to facilitate […]

EPF and UITP sign new Passenger Charter

By |January 23rd, 2019|

Customer focus is an essential element in the development of high quality public transport.

EPF and UITP are pleased to release the new and updated version of their joint Passenger Charter, signed by UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani, EU Committee Chair Ulrich Weber, EPF President Michel Quidort, and Willy Smeulders, member of the EPF Management Board, during the most recent UITP […]

Press release: Passengers need clear information

By |January 17th, 2019|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) wants the European Commission to take fresh action to safeguard access to transparent, comprehensive and unbiased information for passengers buying tickets and travel services. The passenger watch-dog states that the European Commission should be investigating growing claims that big airlines may be abusing their dominant position. Josef Schneider, EPF’s chair, says: “The Commission should […]

Rail security – EPF position in LANDSEC

By |September 6th, 2018|

Following the attack by a lone roving gunman on a Thalys train in northern France in 2015 the European Commission immediately initiated work on a possible rail security initiative.  EPF was an active participant in the consultations on the issue: Christopher Irwin and Willy Smeulders represent passengers in the Commission’s Land Security Expert Group, LANDSEC.

The two EPF representatives consistently […]

Reaction on rapporteur’s report on TRAN-hearing

By |March 18th, 2018|

After presenting EFP’s view during the TRAN-Hearing on 20th February, we are not satisfied with the Draft Report (2017/0237 (COD)) submitted by the TRAN-Rapporteur Liberadzki on the proposal for a regulation on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (recast). Regarding this, EPF sent a letter to TRAN Chair Karima Delli with detailed analyses and justifications. This has been forwarded also […]

Meeting with TRAN

By |February 21st, 2018|

Today, Michel Quidort (representing EPF member FNAUT) and Willy Smeulders (as EPF Board Member) were invited to speak at a mini-hearing on the proposed recast of passenger rights for rail, organised by the EU parliament TRAN (Transport and Tourism) Committee, chaired by Karima Delli.

In the context of the legislative procedure on the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on rail […]

EPF response to public consultation ITS Directive

By |July 26th, 2017|

The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive (Directive 2010/40/EU) provides the legal framework in support of the coordinated and coherent deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) within the Union, in particular across borders. The Commission is currently carrying out an evaluation of the Directive to assess to which extent the ITS Directive contributed to the faster and more coordinated deployment […]

Multimodal passenger rights: EPF position

By |June 6th, 2017|

EPF welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to address the improvement of multimodal passenger rights. Extending the legislation on passenger rights to multimodal journeys is of key relevance to passengers as most journeys are effectively multi-modal.

From a user’s point of view there is a need to understand journeys as a door to door trip. This means any action has […]

EPF view on EC proposal bus passenger rights

By |December 15th, 2016|

At their recent General Meeting, the representatives of the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) member associations discussed the Commission’s report to the European Parliament and European Council on the operation and the effects of Regulation 181/2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport. EPF members’ representatives came to the following conclusions:

EUROSTAT presently lacks sufficient appropriate data to […]

Three meetings in DG MOVE concerning PRM TSI

By |June 5th, 2016|

On Monday 25th April (all day) there was a workshop regarding PRM TSI and the directives to implement NIPs, national implementation plans. EPF represenative Kurt Hultgren made a presentation. On Tuesday 26th April there was a conference regarding PRM TSI and its implications for all Member States. Approx 60 persons participated, among them from EPF Kurt Hultgren, Willy Smeulders […]