Make walking, cycling and public transport the primary modes in Functional Urban Areas by 2030

By |December 1st, 2020|

The European Passengers’ Federation joined forces with 16 associations calling upon the European Commission to commit to modal shift and set targets for increasing the share of walking, cycling and public transport.

The joint letter was sent to Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, and the Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, ahead of the publication of the Strategy for a […]

ITS Directive review – EPF reply to the Roadmap

By |November 19th, 2020|

The European Commission is currently reviewing the ITS directive, which deals with Intelligent Transport Systems to improve safety, traffic efficiency and driver comfort by helping people take the right decisions and adapt to traffic situations. EU rules aim to accelerate and coordinate the deployment and use of these systems. The revision will assess the availability of infrastructure and traffic/travel data […]

Open letter to MEPs regarding Rail Passengers’ Rights

By |October 22nd, 2020|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), which comprises of some 40 national and regional passengers’ associations covering more than 20 European states, wishes to draw your attention to its serious reservations about the Agreement concerning the recast of Regulation 1371/2007 on Rail Passengers Rights resulting from the recent trilogue.

EPF welcomed the position taken by the Parliaments in its plenary vote […]

EPF’s concerns regarding the trialogue on Rail Passengers’ Rights

By |September 29th, 2020|

Ahead of the fourth trilogue on Rail Passengers’ Rights, the European Passengers’ Federation wrote to MEPs from the TRAN and IMCO committe expressing our worries on the status of the current discussions.

From the preparations in view of the fourth trilogue on 1 October 2020, we get the impression that the Council would like to achieve the following key points:


EPF position on night trains

By |April 20th, 2020|

During the last decade, European passengers faced a closure wave of night train services, but the recently increased interest for climate friendly transport modes has revived the demand for travelling long distances by train. This position paper aims to define a declaration of EPF’s views concerning night train services including sleepers’ carriages. Night trains services should be considered as […]

EPF position on rail safety data

By |November 29th, 2019|

Rail Accident Statistics are collected on the number of passengers, employees and others killed or injured, and then categorised into those resulting from collisions, derailments, accidents involving level crossings, accidents caused by rolling stock in motion, fires in rolling stock and ‘other’. These categories do not appear to include fatalities and injuries incurred as a consequence of ‘slips, trips and falls’ (STFs) on trains or on […]

EPF met with DG COMP

By |October 14th, 2019|

Following contact with DG COMP, EPF was invited to meet members of the Transport, Posts & Other Services Directorate.  DG COMP’s team was led by the Director.  EPF had previously provided the Directorate with a paper setting out its priorities for the new Commission.  This outlines the case for a seamless passenger transport system facilitated by an integrated data […]

Mission letter to the Commissioner-designate for Transport: EPF reaction

By |September 30th, 2019|

Today, EPF sent a letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission.

During the autumn quarterly meeting in Gdansk last weekend, members of the EPF council assembled and reviewed the Mission letter prepared by Ms von der Leyen to the nominated Transport Commissioner-designate.

EPF appreciates and supports the mission described in this document. In particular, we welcome the part that says “As […]

EPF priorities for future EU action

By |August 26th, 2019|

With a view to the next political mandate of the European Parliament and of the European Commission, the European Passengers’ Federation has identified its priorities for Union action that will help unleash the potential of the public transport sector – particularly air, bus and coach and rail.

Here are the most important goals:

A seamless European passenger transport system
Passengers […]

EPF’s priorities for future EU action

By |June 17th, 2019|

EPF has discussed its expectations towards the EU and the new Commission in the coming legislature. Passengers want a public transport system that is

• affordable,
• reliable,
• sustainable and
• coordinated

with sufficient capacity to get people comfortably to where they want to go at the times they wish to travel, using whichever combination of modes is most efficient overall, in social […]