EPF at the European Commission’s Youth Policy Dialogue

By |March 10th, 2025|

On 6 March, the European Commission’s Youth Policy Dialogue on transport and tourism brought together 20 young representatives from across Europe in Brussels. Hosted by Commissioner Apostolos Tzitzikostas, the dialogue focused on the expectations and needs of young people as transport users, tourists, and job seekers. Representing EPF at the event were Wandifadza Chivaura and Jorge Morera, who joined […]

Focus Highlights Solutions to Transport Poverty in Central and Eastern Europe

By |January 20th, 2025|

Focus (Association for Sustainable Development), a member of EPF based in Slovenia, recently carried out a study, ‘Good Practices to Address Transport Poverty in Central and Eastern Europe’, which highlights challenges faced by people and offers practical solutions to help improve mobility, particularly in areas with poor public transport systems.

Transport poverty, as defined in the European Social Climate Fund […]

EPF at the TRAN Committee Hearing on Passenger Rights

By |November 28th, 2024|

On November 18. 2024, the TRAN Committee of the European Parliament held a public hearing on passenger rights, gathering experts and stakeholders to discuss two legislative proposals introduced within the European Commission’s Passenger Mobility Package last year, aiming to strengthen passenger rights through better enforcement and introducing protection specifically tailored to multimodal journeys.

Representing EPF, Senior Researcher Delphine Grandsart participated […]

European Business Travellers Call for German Rail Investment

By |November 21st, 2024|

Through co-signing an open letter (published on 21. November), EPF joined a Europe-wide alliance of business travellers urging the current and future German government to create the necessary conditions for the reliable expansion, modernisation, and renovation of Germany’s rail network.

The open letter has been signed by a wide range of associations, companies, and organisations from across the EU and […]

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    Insights from the EU-Rail Train Panel on “How Rail Can Bring More Value for Passengers”

Insights from the EU-Rail Train Panel on “How Rail Can Bring More Value for Passengers”

By |September 30th, 2024|

On 23. September, a special ‘Europe for Rail’ train, organised by Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking members and the European Commission, departed from Brussels to Berlin, marking the beginning of InnoTrans2024! 🌍🚆 EPF took part in one of the panel debates on the train – emphasizing the importance of thinking from the end-users’ point of view in order to make […]

EPF priorities for EU action

By |May 31st, 2024|

With a view to the next political mandate of the European Parliament and of the European Commission, EPF has identified its priorities for Union action that will help unleash the potential of the public transport sector.

➡ Goal: A seamless European passenger transport system

The appeal and utility of public transport is greatest when providing access to a network of networks […]

Managing extreme weather conditions for rail passengers

By |April 4th, 2024|

Network Rail, Britain’s main rail infrastructure manager, launched an Extreme Heat Task Force (EHTF) in July 2022 in response to record temperatures which had caused significant disruption for passengers. The remit of the EHTF was to assess how network resilience might be improved in these conditions and how other countries manage these conditions more effectively.

Network Rail invited Transport Focus […]

Passenger Mobility Package – EPF feedback

By |March 18th, 2024|

On 29. November 2023, the European Commission adopted a “Passenger Mobility Package”, a set of proposals designed to improve the experience of passengers and travellers by strengthening their rights, focusing on three aspects:

Stronger passenger rights
Protection of package travellers
Data and digitalization / automation in the transport sector.

In our feedback to the new proposals under point 1 – […]

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    EPF’s Insights at the TRAN Committee Hearing on Advancing Public Transport

EPF’s Insights at the TRAN Committee Hearing on Advancing Public Transport

By |February 20th, 2024|

On 14. February 2024, the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN Committee) convened a public hearing on “How to boost public transport and deal with the challenges faced by the sector”. The hearing aimed to delve into crucial aspects of future transport policy and identify strategies for enhancing the efficiency, accessibility, and sustainability of public transport across […]

The EU Green Deal Needs to Make Train Tickets Easier to Find and Book

By |February 5th, 2024|

Joint Press Release – 05.02.2024
Potential passengers need easy access to timetable information and quick access to tickets. Recent legal rulings have shown: The EU and its Member States finally need to make trains easier to find and book for the citizens who are paying for it.
But how should this be done?
Renfe has committed to providing unrestricted access to its […]