EPF’s second Summit Conference in Brussels

By |May 31st, 2016|

110 people registered for EPF’s second Summit Conference at the headquarters of the Airports Regions Conference in Brussels on May 26th. A Belgian rail strike led to some cancellations and some participants were thus unable to reach Brussels, but the room was still well-filled.

Speakers included transport industry professionals, researchers, MEPs and European Commission officials as well as members of […]

Report of EPF conference Berlin 2016

By |May 3rd, 2016|

Over 80 representatives from 16 public transport users’ associations in 11 European countries gathered in Berlin, on April 8th/9th for the 14th Annual Conference of the European Passengers’ Federation.

In welcoming all colleagues, EPF President Trevor Garrod thanked the sponsors Talgo, S-Bahn Berlin, BVG and Abellio-NS for their support in the conference organization.Friday afternoon was devoted to reports from EPF […]

EPF conference 2016

By |December 21st, 2015|

The 14th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the European Passengers’ Federation will take place 8-10 April 2016 in Berlin (Germany).

Report of EPF Budapest conference

By |March 21st, 2015|

Report on the EPF conference in Budapest 20-21 of March 2015

Our 13th Conference and Annual General Meeting of the European Passengers’ Federation was held on 20-21 March 2015, Budapest, Hungary. The conference took place in the Bálna Centre. VEKE, our Hungarian member organisation hostred the event and special thanks has to go to Lajos Dorner for putting some much time in […]

EPF inaugural summit in Brussels on the 9th of December 2014

By |December 15th, 2014|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) held its inaugural summit in Brussels. EPF believes that European transport policy needs to focus on the delivery of better end-to-end journeys for passengers. In order to ensure that passengers are at the heart of the EU policy making, EPF organised a policy summit in Brussels on the 9th of December.
This passenger-focused event was about […]

Passengers declaration adopted

By |May 1st, 2014|

During the 2014 EPF conference in Milan, a brand new “Passenger Declaration” was adopted. Public transport must offer an attractive and sustainable alternative to the private car. EPF therefore calls upon European decision-makers to support 9 key points. Here you will find the full text in
– Catalan
– English
– German
– Portuguese
– Spanish
– Swedish

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EPF-conference 2014, documentation is now online

By |April 15th, 2014|

With about 65 participants, the EPF conference and annual meeting 2014 in Milan was once again a successful event allowing passengers and stakeholders to inform themselves about the actual discussion on European level regarding passengers interests. You can find all the presentations here.

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