About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Sustainable mobility going backwards with the diminution of cross-border trains between France and Spain

By |December 12th, 2022|

Since 2013, Spanish public rail operator Renfe and French SNCF have been operating services together between France and Spain through Catalonia. However, on 11 December 2022, this cooperation ended and from now on only two trains a day in each direction will cross the border through the Perthus Tunnel.

The Barcelona-Lyon and Madrid-Marseille connections, operated by Renfe, will not run […]

Airline insolvency protection scheme urgently needed

By |December 7th, 2022|

🛫 When airlines go bankrupt it’s passengers who pay the price, losing an average of €431! This is because – unlike package travel – there is no insolvency protection available in the air travel sector.

Unfortunately this issue is more common than you might think. 87 airlines went bust in Europe between 2011-2019, affecting 5.6m consumers! The #COVID19 pandemic also greatly […]

Better protection for passengers and their rights

By |November 30th, 2022|

The European Commission is currently reviewing the passenger rights regulatory framework, including to ensure its resilience to extensive travel disruptions, and including options for multimodal tickets.

In EPF’s perspective, the ‘Better protection for passengers and their rights’ initiative needs to address a number of important issues: how to better protect passengers in a multimodal context; harmonizing and enforcing existing rules; […]

Package Travel Directive: What needs to change?

By |November 25th, 2022|

The EU Package Travel Directive, in force since July 2018, aims to protect travellers that have booked combinations of at least two types of travel services (transport, accommodation, car rental or other services, for example guided tours) – either as ready-made ‘packages’ or as ‘linked travel arrangements’ (a flowchart helps to distinguish between these two) by offering the following guarantees:


AURORA-UAM launches its animated video

By |November 17th, 2022|

The AURORA partners are thrilled to announce the release of our first video which is a visual reference of the project and its objectives. The video provides a visual representation of how the project focuses its demonstrations primarily on emergency related applications.  

Furthermore, the video highlights: 

The challenges that cities are facing due to their rapid growth; 
How AURORA aims to develop and integrate safety-critical technologies to support autonomous flights in urban environments […]

SHOW podcast on automated mobility

By |August 31st, 2022|

If you are curious about automated mobility – also called autonomous, self-driving, or driverless mobility – the SHOW podcast is for you. Through a series of interviews, you will get familiar with the concept of automated mobility, how it can impact our lives and you will get to know the people driving this enormous change in urban mobility. The […]

Join our CCAM webinar!

By |August 30th, 2022|

On 14. September, EPF and UITP will jointly organise a webinar combining insights from the two EU-funded projects SHOW and Ride2Autonomy, both dealing with the topic of automated mobility.

Date: 14 September 2022

Time: 14:00-15:30 CET

Topic: CCAM user acceptance and user engagement


Public perception of CCAM: general overview of factors affecting user acceptance (H. Cornet, UITP)
User engagement strategies: how to […]

INDIMO transferability workshop (Rome, 5. October)

By |August 16th, 2022|

5th INDIMO Co-creation Community Workshop: Transferability of the INDIMO tools to a wider European context – 5th October in Rome, Italy
Do you belong to one of the INDIMO target groups?

Citizens, with a special focus on vulnerable-to-exclusion groups
NGOs and/or associations representing people with special needs
UX/UI designers, graphic designers and developers of digital mobility solutions
Mobility/delivery service providers

Passenger hubs – the end-users’ perspective

By |August 12th, 2022|

On 26. July, EPF took part in a workshop organised by the Ministerial Platform for International Rail Passenger Transport, dealing with the topic of ‘Developing Passenger Hubs for Better Intermodality’.

In order to facilitate international rail passenger transport and inspired by the example of uniformity of international airports (e.g. standard colors, standard signs), UNECE (the United Nations Economic Commission for […]

Successful EPF conference in Copenhagen

By |July 29th, 2022|

The annual EPF conference was held in Copenhagen on 10 and 11 June. The two conference days gathered European passenger organizations, public transport operators, politicians and officials at EU level. Over 70 participants from different European countries took part in the seminars and the evening events.

On the first day, the conference was opened by the Danish Minister of Transport […]