About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Revision of Rail passenger rights: open event Disability Intergroup

By |March 14th, 2018|

The Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament organised on February 28 an “open event” on rail passengers’ rights and persons with reduced mobility (PRMs) with a view to the ongoing revision of the Regulation 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights.

Key representatives of the Parliament attended and participated in this event: MEP Olga Sehnalova and Kostadink Kuneva, co-Presidents of the Disability […]

GOF4R first newsletter

By |March 1st, 2018|

In November 2017, GoF4R partners released their first newsletter, explaining the progress that was made until the middle of the project and what is to come. To read the project’s first newsletter click HERE.

Meeting with TRAN

By |February 21st, 2018|

Today, Michel Quidort (representing EPF member FNAUT) and Willy Smeulders (as EPF Board Member) were invited to speak at a mini-hearing on the proposed recast of passenger rights for rail, organised by the EU parliament TRAN (Transport and Tourism) Committee, chaired by Karima Delli.

In the context of the legislative procedure on the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on rail […]

TMaas has started

By |February 15th, 2018|

1 February 2018 was the official start of a new project TMaas: Traffic Management as a Service, in which EPF is involved as a partner.

The aim of the TMaas project is to create “a virtual traffic control centre for Ghent”.

Setting up a traffic centre is an important part of the City of Ghent’s latest mobility plan (Strategic Mobility Vision […]

New Members in EPF’s Management Board

By |February 5th, 2018|

During the last Annual General Meeting (Luzern, 2 & 3 February), 3 positions in the Management Board have been new staffed.

Rian van der Borgt, acting since several years as treasurer was reelected for another 3 years’ period.
Chris Irwin from UK-based Transport Focus and also representing TravelWatch SouthWest had been member until spring 2017. He also has been […]

Survey on passenger rights

By |December 18th, 2017|

The European Court of Auditors is undertaking a survey to collect experiences of ordinary travellers, like you and me. The results of this survey will provide valuable input to the audit on passenger rights that the ECA is currently working on. As a result of this audit the European Court of Auditors can propose recommendations on how to better […]

Monitoring of air passenger rights

By |January 12th, 2018|

EPF, as the consumer organization, has been monitoring certain problems that appear in the sector of air travel. Airline passengers face various situations, where they need more comprehensive information, assistance and support from organisations like ours.

EPF has been monitoring the following issues:

1. European Regulation 261/04 – about air passengers rights, its execution and enforcement
2. Information for the passengers about […]

BE CIPTEC: Join us in Brussels on 24 April!

By |January 22nd, 2018|

The CIPTEC H2020 project is coming to an end. Now, it’s time to share our findings with the community. CIPTEC has created innovative concepts and tools for Public Transport that lead to more passengers at reasonably low cost. Also, CIPTEC has tested collective intelligence methods to improve the overall understanding of urban public transport demand. Do you wish to know more about the […]

EPF applauds railway investments

By |December 22nd, 2017|

The European Commission is proposing to invest €1 billion in 39 transport projects which will unlock a total of €4.5 billion of public and private co-financing. The selected projects will upgrade Europe’s rail network, further develop alternative fuels infrastructure and pave the way for zero emission water transport. In doing so, the Commission is firmly delivering on its Clean Mobility […]

Meeting of the Beneluxparliament

By |January 5th, 2018|

The Beneluxparliament consists of members of the national parliaments of Belgium, Luxemburg and Netherlands. The Beneluxparliament was convened in Maastricht on the 24th of November 2017 in the hall where the treaty of Maastricht was signed 25 years before. One of the items on the agenda was the improvement of the rail connections between the Beneluxcountries and the adjacent […]