About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

IT2Rail final conference successfully held on 18th April

By |June 1st, 2018|

The IT2Rail Final Conference was successfully held on the 18th April in Vienna. Taking advantage of the Transport Research Arena (TRA2018) taking place in Vienna during that same week, the event was attended by participants from all over Europe. The event was opened by Mr Keir Fitch, Head of the Rail Safety & Interoperability Unit at DG MOVE, who stressed […]

Sign up for our newsletter!

By |May 24th, 2018|

From 25 May 2018, the new European Data Protection Act (GDPR) will come into effect. That is good news, because the new rules offer better protection of your personal data. That is why EPF has adjusted its privacy statement. In addition to the new legislation, we also require your explicit permission to send newsletters and other updates about our […]

News from the aviation side

By |May 15th, 2018|

25 April 2018 : Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace ( ILA )

On 25 April, EPF was invited by the European Commission to speak and participate in a panel about Aviation Safety “Challenges and ways forward for a safe future” (ILA: Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace). We were asked to give our views on the project program and feedback on […]

ESBF_2 final conference

By |April 30th, 2018|

Vienna, 18 April 2018 – UITP has held the final conference to bring a close to the EBSF_2 Project (The European Bus System of the Future 2)  – where leading public transport and industry representatives gathered to discuss the success of this pioneering project during the TRA 2018 ( European Transport Research Arena ).

EPF was a partner in the […]

Long distance transport between Sweden, Denmark and Germany

By |April 23rd, 2018|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), the Swedish passengers’ organisation Resenarsforum, the Danish passenger body Passagerpulsen and Council for Sustainable Traffic, the German passengers’ organisation Pro Bahn and Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD) are criticising the current service on the longdistance Copenhagen – Hamburg route during engineering work on both the Danish and the German side, and ask DB and DSB to offer attractive […]

Personnel change for EPF

By |April 15th, 2018|

After six years at the centre of EPF’s activities Stijn Lewyllie, EPF’s Secretary General, has left EPF at the end of February.  He provided invaluable administrative under-pinning for the federation.  This allowed it to expand both the range of its activities and its influence.  It was assisted, in no small part, by Stijn’s natural flair for analysing complex issues […]

GOF4R survey

By |April 12th, 2018|

The University of Sheffield has issued an online questionnaire, to survey adults about how they perceive various modes of traveling, order to design a better way of assisting them before, during and after a trip, regardless of whether they travel for daily life or more extended trips by rail, bus, plane, etc. in individual countries and across Europe.

This work is […]

EPF conference in Aachen: registrations open

By |March 27th, 2018|

During the European Passengers’ Federation 2018 conference, we will focus on the passengers’ views on public transport. On 8-9-10 June passenger representatives and policy makers from all over Europe will meet in Aachen, Germany, to discuss innovative concepts and daily solutions in public transport.

This year’s agenda will focus on tourism. How can tourism by public transport be improved. What […]

Reaction on rapporteur’s report on TRAN-hearing

By |March 18th, 2018|

After presenting EFP’s view during the TRAN-Hearing on 20th February, we are not satisfied with the Draft Report (2017/0237 (COD)) submitted by the TRAN-Rapporteur Liberadzki on the proposal for a regulation on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (recast). Regarding this, EPF sent a letter to TRAN Chair Karima Delli with detailed analyses and justifications. This has been forwarded also […]

What is your experience of crossing the Schengen Border?

By |March 14th, 2018|

BODEGA wants to hear the travellers’ voice to understand how to best support them while crossing the Schengen area. We would like to hear travellers’ opinions about different types of technologies, in addition to their thoughts about the passport control procedure while crossing the border.

BODEGA is a research project funded by the European Commission and it aims to develop […]