About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Rail Passengers’ Rights Recast

By |December 1st, 2018|

So far a satisfactory issue for EPF
After the vote of the European Parliament in plenary session on November 15 in Strasbourg, the issue of the Regulation 1371/2007 recast on Rail Passengers’ Rights is so far satisfying EPF, as amendments initiated or supported by our Federation have been adopted.

Main points are:

The excuse of “force majeure” has been deleted from […]

Discover EU

By |November 29th, 2018|

The DiscoverEU program opens is second round of applications today. The initiative aims to provide free “Interrail” passes to 18 years old persons that are EU citizens. These passes will allow 18 years-old to travel across Europe for free for a certain period of time.

HiReach news

By |November 27th, 2018|

HiReach is all about finding innovative solutions to cope with transport poverty. Want to find out more? Click here to read our first newsletter & sign up for more updates.

The Third HiReach Consortium and Take-Up Group meeting took place on 19-21 November 2018 in Athens, Greece. The meeting was kindly hosted by the consortium partner INTRASOFT International.

After more than one […]

New platform for rail security

By |November 10th, 2018|

EPF has been invited to send two representatives to attend the European Commission’s new expert group, the EU Rail Passenger Security Platform, as observers.  Its purpose is to develop a common methodology for evaluating threats to the security of rail users and to exchange information on and develop good practice.  Willy Smeulders and Christopher Irwin, who are both already […]

PRM Advisory Body meeting

By |October 12th, 2018|

The DG MOVE Advisory Body had a meeting in Brussels on 2 October, attended by Kurt Holtgren representing EPF.

It is quite clear that the users’ point of view has to be given to the Commission, especially since the MS representatives in the Advisory Body (as well as in the ERA PRM WG) are the NSA (National Safety Authorities) representatives, […]

ST4RT & GOF4R Final Conference

By |October 5th, 2018|

The GoF4R Final Conference will take place on the 26th of October between 09:00 – 18:00 at “The Square Brussels Centre” (rue Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels) in Brussels. It will be a combined event with the ST4RT project.

This event will be the opportunity to present the results achieved in both projects and to discuss how these results will […]

GOF4R survey

By |October 5th, 2018|

Within the GOF4R project, we have launched a short survey regarding data access and IF (Interoperability Framework) governance structure.


By |September 25th, 2018|

EPF’s autumn General Meeting, which was held in Berlin, coincided with the rail sector’s major biennial trade event, Innotrans.  EPF representatives held meetings with key players, including Josef Doppelbauer, the Executive Director of the European Railway Agency, and senior representatives of major rolling stock manufacturers.  These provided an opportunity to press the case for manufacturers to pay greater attention […]

TMaaS walks away with a prestigious award

By |September 21st, 2018|

This year’s CIVITAS Forum Conference takes place between 19 and 21 September in the Swedish town of Umeå. Over a period of three days, hundreds of policymakers, city representatives, academics, and users from all over the world gathered together to discuss pressing issues about mobility. Some of the areas of focus include pioneering, sustainable solutions for cleaner and better […]

IT2RAIL wins S2R award

By |September 18th, 2018|

During InnoTrans2018, Commissioner Bulc handed over the Shift2Rail JU R&I Award 2018 for the ‘Digitalisation’ category to the coordinator of the IT2Rail project. Congratulations to the 27 consortium members for achieving this honourable distinction!

The IT2Rail -“Information Technologies for Shift2Rail” project is a first step towards the long term IP4 -“IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services”, one of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking’s […]