About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 338 entries.

Check out the second HiReach newsletter

By |April 5th, 2019|

EPF is a partner in the H2020 project HiReach, which aims to tackle transport poverty by triggering new innovative mobility solutions to address the needs of vulnerable social groups and areas.

We are happy to announce the publication of the second issue of the HiReach newsletter. This issue presents the main findings of the HiReach project so far.

HiReach has conducted fieldwork […]

Launch European Transport and Mobility Forum

By |April 1st, 2019|

On March 25., EPF was represented at the launch of the European Transport and Mobility Forum, a platform that intends to become a place for discussion and debate, providing a voice for users and fostering cross-fertilization of technologies and knowledge-transfer between modes and with stakeholders beyond transport.

Interview Kurt Hultgren in ERA newsletter

By |March 25th, 2019|

The revisions of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability for Persons with Disabilities and with Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI) received a positive opinion in the European Commission’s Rail Interoperability and Safety Committee. ERA has started the development of an IT system containing data on how railway systems are equipped to support persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and how this information is transmitted to the passengers.

ERA’s […]

End of rail cross border bans in Portbou and Cerbère

By |February 21st, 2019|

From February 11st, Spanish and French trains will be able to carry passengers, in Portbou and Cerbère, when coming back to their countries, in direction of Barcelona and Perpignan/Narbonne. This is a historical decision that breaks more than 100 years of blockage because of the absurd traffic bans, and normalizes the border links of public transport between Catalonia and […]

New Rail Market Monitoring Report is out

By |February 21st, 2019|

Every couple of years, the European Commission publishes a Rail Market Monitoring Report (RMMS).  It gives an overview of the state of the European rail market in the context of the EU’s policy objectives – market opening, modal shift, improved safety, the development of high speed rail, etc.  The latest edition of the RMMS came out n February.

The report […]

TMaaS launches open call for replicator cities worldwide

By |February 18th, 2019|

Today, TMaaS is launching a call for cities worldwide to submit their applications to join the TMaaS Replicator City Programme. In this programme, which will launch this autumn, three selected cities will have the opportunity to work with the TMaaS team on the creation of their own local TMaaS dashboard and tackle mobility problems in their city. Thanks to the Replicator […]

Designing new inclusive mobility solutions – multidisciplinary workshop

By |February 7th, 2019|

The HiReach project is organising a Multidisciplinary Ideation Workshop in Brussels on March 27 (afternoon) and 28 (full day) to address issues related to inclusive mobility and transport poverty.

Both issues concern daily challenges stemming from a range of human, social and geographical limitations. Those most affected are persons with reduced mobility options, including children, elderly, women, low-income, immigrants, people […]

EPF and UITP sign new Passenger Charter

By |January 23rd, 2019|

Customer focus is an essential element in the development of high quality public transport.

EPF and UITP are pleased to release the new and updated version of their joint Passenger Charter, signed by UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani, EU Committee Chair Ulrich Weber, EPF President Michel Quidort, and Willy Smeulders, member of the EPF Management Board, during the most recent UITP […]

Press release: Passengers need clear information

By |January 17th, 2019|

The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) wants the European Commission to take fresh action to safeguard access to transparent, comprehensive and unbiased information for passengers buying tickets and travel services. The passenger watch-dog states that the European Commission should be investigating growing claims that big airlines may be abusing their dominant position. Josef Schneider, EPF’s chair, says: “The Commission should […]

Opening national and international markets for coach services

By |January 14th, 2019|

EPF’s position paper, accepted 13.01.2019

The European Commission is preparing a revision of regulation 1073/2009 to liberalise and harmonise the long distance coach market in the European Union.

Regulation 1073/2009 opened the long distance coach market with a cabotage possibility inside Member States only if the service is part of an international line. The European Commission’s proposal is to create a […]