About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Exemptions for bus-coach passenger rights

By |May 16th, 2019|

Report from the Commission regarding exemptions granted by member states under regulation (EU) No 181/2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport.

The EC has just published a report in connection with the exemptions granted under this regulation which came into force on 1st March 2013 and contains a series of rights for passengers who travel by bus […]

GECKO Project is Looking for New Mobility Stakeholders

By |May 16th, 2019|

Will Mobility as a Service (MaaS) replace public transport? If not, what will the relationship be between them? What role should autonomous vehicles play in our cities? What effect will they have on pedestrians? How can we picture the use of drones in logistics? How should their use be regulated? How can passenger service be assured if we all […]

TMaaS webinar for cities

By |May 16th, 2019|

Are you interested in learning more about the TMaaS solution for cloud based mobility management, data management and mobility data in general? Are you representing a city or region? Please join our free TMaaS webinar for Cities on May 28th, 10:00 AM (CEST)!

This is your chance to virtually meet the people behind TMaaS and there will be plenty of […]

Recast rail passenger rights

By |May 13th, 2019|

Last November EPF hailed the European Parliament’s amendments to Commission proposals for a revised Rail Passenger Rights Regulation, aimed at ensuring a fairer deal for travellers. They reflect the consumer protection principles enshrined in Article 12 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, would ensure fairer competition with other transport modes and help to deliver a […]

And the winner is… TMaaS!

By |May 9th, 2019|

Last month the City of Ghent won the Belfius Smart Belgium Award 2018 in in the category ‘Smart Cities with a population of more than 30,000’ for the TMaaS project!

More than 150 organisations submitted their ‘smart’ projects at the end of last year. This initiative shows how much Belgium has to offer when it comes to smart innovative initiatives. […]

TMaaS nominated for Belfius award

By |April 9th, 2019|

Besides representation, EPF is also involved in innovation research projects. In TMaaS for example we are responsible for the stakeholder involvement. We’re pleased to announce that the TMaaS-project is nominated for the Belfius Smart Belgium award (category Cities with more than 30K inhabitants)! Last year, this project was already the winner of the Civitas Bold Measure Award 2018. You can […]

EPF meets IRG-Rail

By |April 7th, 2019|

Michel Quidort, President of EPF, and Arriën Kruyt, as a member of the Board of EPF, had an interesting talk on April 1. with Mr. Joao Carvalho, chair and Mr. Serge Drugmand, vice-chair of IRG-Rail: the Independent Regulators Group – Rail.
“Regulators are the watchdogs passengers need”
Aim of IRG-Rail

The overall aim of the Independent Regulators’ Group – Rail is to facilitate […]

Check out the second HiReach newsletter

By |April 5th, 2019|

EPF is a partner in the H2020 project HiReach, which aims to tackle transport poverty by triggering new innovative mobility solutions to address the needs of vulnerable social groups and areas.

We are happy to announce the publication of the second issue of the HiReach newsletter. This issue presents the main findings of the HiReach project so far.

HiReach has conducted fieldwork […]

Launch European Transport and Mobility Forum

By |April 1st, 2019|

On March 25., EPF was represented at the launch of the European Transport and Mobility Forum, a platform that intends to become a place for discussion and debate, providing a voice for users and fostering cross-fertilization of technologies and knowledge-transfer between modes and with stakeholders beyond transport.

Interview Kurt Hultgren in ERA newsletter

By |March 25th, 2019|

The revisions of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability for Persons with Disabilities and with Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI) received a positive opinion in the European Commission’s Rail Interoperability and Safety Committee. ERA has started the development of an IT system containing data on how railway systems are equipped to support persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and how this information is transmitted to the passengers.

ERA’s […]