About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Successful EPF conference in Stockholm

By |July 29th, 2019|

The annual EPF conference was held in, for the season hot and sunny, Stockholm on 7 & 8. June. The two conference days gathered European passenger organizations, public transport operators, politicians and officials at EU level. Almost 70 participants from 12 different European countries took part in the seminars, the excursion and the evening events. Journalists from two of […]

Major trial run of the TMaaS virtual traffic system during the Gentse Feesten

By |July 18th, 2019|

TMaaS will be carrying out a major trial run of its virtual traffic and mobility management dashboard during the Gentse Feesten. The Gentse Feesten is the ideal occasion for this baptism of fire, because during those ten days the city will be flooded with masses of people. This represents a major challenge in terms of mobility and the ideal […]

Integrated rail – air ticketing

By |July 8th, 2019|

Dennis Fancett. European Passenger Group Member

Amongst its other activities, Railfuture’s European Passenger Group, a sub-committee of the Passenger Services Group, compares how the rail industry works in the UK with what happens in Europe, with a view to seeing what we can learn from our European neighbours about how to improve services here in the UK.

In many areas the […]

Interview with Violeta Bulc

By |July 1st, 2019|

Violeta Bulc: “My first priority is to ensure connectivity. The second one is efficiency – for citizens and businesses. Thirdly, we pay a lot of attention to lowering the negative externalities of transport, such as pollution, accidents and congestion.”

The potential of the rail sector for delivering EU policy priorities

By |June 26th, 2019|

The European Committee of the Regions is currently preparing an own-initiative opinion on “The potential of the rail sector in delivering EU policy priorities”. The European Passengers’ Federation was invited to share its opinion.

Despite its potential, the rail sector has largely failed to meet the goals set for it in the 2011 White Paper. If rail is to play its […]

TMaaS dashboard is taking shape

By |June 24th, 2019|

The TMaaS project (Traffic Management as a Service) is building a platform that offers citizens and local governments an efficient view of what is happening in their city in terms of multimodal mobility.
Would you like to be part of the TMaaS venture? Do you see a role for the TMaaS dashboard in helping your city implement a sustainable urban […]

EPF’s priorities for future EU action

By |June 17th, 2019|

EPF has discussed its expectations towards the EU and the new Commission in the coming legislature. Passengers want a public transport system that is

• affordable,
• reliable,
• sustainable and
• coordinated

with sufficient capacity to get people comfortably to where they want to go at the times they wish to travel, using whichever combination of modes is most efficient overall, in social […]

International train travel can be better

By |June 13th, 2019|

The discussion on climate change has in some countries led to the conclusion that there should be less travel by plane. The other conclusion is that people should use trains instead of planes on distances up to approximately 500 kilometres. In reality many flights are used on rather short distances. The railway companies point out that airlines do not […]

Looking back at our Stockholm conference

By |June 12th, 2019|

On 7th and 8th June, EPF held its annual conference in Stockholm. We look back to two days of very interesting presentations and discussions.

The first day focused on experiences from liberalized rail markets. Speakers included Libor Lochman (Executive Director CER), Gustav Sjöblom (Transportstyrelsen), Isabel Schleich (Strategic Project Manager FlixTrain), Gunnar Alexandersson (Senior researcher Stockholm School of Economics), Bryony Chetwode […]

Register now for the Stockholm conference!

By |May 20th, 2019|

During two conference days, you will be able to participate in seminars concerning successes and shortcomings in Europe’s early liberalized rail markets and will be inspired by presentations about powerful consumer groups and how to improve conditions for vulnerable passenger groups and young people in public transport. Among the presenters are Elisabeth Kotthaus – Head of Unit for Passenger […]