About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

Passenger Information in Stations & Hubs: EPF presentation at UNECE meeting

By |July 15th, 2024|

The group of experts on passenger information in main international stations and hubs held its inaugural meeting at the United Nations in Geneva in July. Christopher Irwin represented EPF and made a presentation on The Passengers’ Perspective. The group was convened at the request of the Rail Working Party, itself a sub-group of the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s […]

Increasing security of women in rail – EPF representation at UNECE working party

By |July 15th, 2024|

EPF was represented at a special summer session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe’s Rail Working Party on 18-19. June in Geneva. The event focused on the Security of Vulnerable Rail Users. Bryony Chetwode of TravelWatch SouthWest – one of EPF’s UK members – presented a paper on “Increasing the Security of Women in the Rail Environment”. Bryony […]

FNAUT survey: “The French and the train: their expectations, their choices and their criticisms”

By |July 9th, 2024|

Faced with rapidly changing mobility patterns, EPF member FNAUT and IFOP decided to carry out a robust and accurate study to better understand the expectations of passengers and non-travelers alike when it comes to rail transport. The aim was to build up its expertise to better defend passengers.

Only one in two French people have used the train in the […]

Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport publishes Progress Report

By |June 20th, 2024|

The Fourth Integrated Progress Report of the Ministerial Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport (IRP) was published in time for the meeting of the EU Transport Council in June, where it was presented by the Austrian and Dutch delegations.

The IRP was set up four years ago. It was tasked with a common agenda aimed at fostering and supporting the improvement […]

20 years of ERA: Way forward

By |June 11th, 2024|

EPF has supported the work of the European Railway Agency (ERA) since ERA was established. Long-standing EPF Board member Chris Irwin from the UK has led and shaped ERA’s management board for many years. Since 2023, Delphine Grandsart (Senior Researcher at EPF) and Josef Schneider (EPF Chairman) represent EPF in the ERA board.

ERA has just celebrated its 20th anniversary. […]

Relaunch on Rails

By |June 1st, 2024|

In the run-up to the European elections, in Germany, a broad alliance of industry associations, companies, and civil society organisations issued a joint declaration “Relaunch on rails” (14. May 2024) to make it clear that the EU climate targets can only be achieved with a significantly increased commitment to rail transport, underpinned by concrete targets and additional implementation instruments. The […]

EPF priorities for EU action

By |May 31st, 2024|

With a view to the next political mandate of the European Parliament and of the European Commission, EPF has identified its priorities for Union action that will help unleash the potential of the public transport sector.

➡ Goal: A seamless European passenger transport system

The appeal and utility of public transport is greatest when providing access to a network of networks […]

The European Green Deal: five years on

By |May 31st, 2024|

On 19. April, EPF participated in a Policy Workshop organised by the Florence School of Regulation, entitled “The European Green Deal: five years on”. Approaching the mid-point in the horizon over which the European Green Deal defined 2030 policy targets, the workshop provided an opportunity to take stock of the progress achieved and the remaining challenges ahead, with specific focus […]

Simplifying European ticketing

By |May 29th, 2024|

On 30. April, EPF participated in a hybrid event on the topic of “Simplifying European Ticketing”, hosted by MEP Jakop Dalunde at the European Parliament.

At the event, Jon Worth presented the main outcomes of his recently released report on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS), which provides a detailed analysis of current problems and what is required to solve them, […]

Alianza Ibérica por el Ferrocarril (AIF) organises its second conference

By |May 15th, 2024|

The Alianza Ibérica por el Ferrocarril (AIF) held its second conference on May 11th in Lisbon, focusing on the future of sustainable rail transport in Spain and Portugal. The Associació per a la Promoció del Transport Públic (PTP), a member entity of the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), presented the current state of cross-border rail services.

Key discussions included an analysis […]