About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 338 entries.

European Year of Rail 2021

By |March 13th, 2020|

The Commission has proposed on 04.03.2020 to make 2021 the European Year of Rail, to support the delivery of its European Green Deal objectives in the transport field.

A series of events, campaigns and initiatives in 2021 will promote rail as a sustainable, innovative and safe mode of transport. It will highlight its benefits for people, the economy and […]

ERA PRM TSI Regulation Revision Working Party

By |March 4th, 2020|

During 2019 the work in the ERA PRM TSI working party has come to a final result. After several years of quite intense work a number of improvements are proposed.

The new regulation will be decided probably in June 2020. The results are, apart from rules concerning functional working of railway carriages and station service design, especially two major new […]

EPF delivers keynote at breakfast meeting on Air Services

By |February 19th, 2020|

With the review of the Air Services Regulation, (EC) 1008/2008, and of other acquis with a relevance to air travel, EPF has been focussed on the case for further safeguarding price transparency and improving competition for passengers. Chris Irwin represented EPF as the keynote speaker at a breakfast event in the European Parliament on the impact of airline consolidation […]

Netherlands Proposal for International Rail Passenger Transport

By |February 18th, 2020|

The Netherlands Government has submitted a position paper to the European Commission that sets out plans for the development of international passenger rail. It follows a high-level meeting, mainly with representatives of Member States and the Commission, that was organised towards the end of last year by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management. EPF board members Arriën […]

INDIMO: inclusive digital mobility

By |February 17th, 2020|

On 12-13 February, the new EU-funded project INDIMO (Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions) kicked off its activities in Brussels. EPF is glad and excited to be part of the project team.

INDIMO’s main objective is to extend the benefits of digitally interconnected transport systems to people that currently face barriers to using such systems. INDIMO will create an Inclusive Digital Mobility […]

SHOW panel debate

By |February 10th, 2020|

A major milestone for automated vehicles (AVs) was reached at the end of January with the launch of the SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) project. Coordinated by UITP, SHOW brings together 69 partners from 13 EU countries – including EPF – to support the deployment of shared, connected and electrified automation in urban transport across a […]

EPF is growing!

By |January 27th, 2020|

This month our new team member, Sandra Lima, started working in our secretariat offices in Ghent.
Sandra comes from the north of Portugal and has been living in Belgium for more than two years. She is no stranger to European Affairs and project management, having worked in the Council of the European Union, in Social Services Europe and in the […]

Update: Competition policy implication of the Green Speed project

By |January 24th, 2020|

EPF is keen to ensure that the various competition authorities make safeguarding passengers’ interests a precondition for authorising the proposed merger between Eurostar and Thalys.  Members were updated at their General Meeting in January on constructive exchanges that have already taken place with DG COMP.  As we recorded last month, EPF recognises that the merger should allow the two […]

PRO BAHN conference on passenger rights

By |December 28th, 2019|

PRO BAHN, one of the members of EPF, organized on 16.12.2019, a one-day-conference on passenger rights.

During the morning, Erki Must, former staff member of the European Court of Auditors (now staff member of DG MOVE), presented the special report on passenger rights 30/2018, which has been published on 08.11.2018.

In the afternoon, Elisabeth Kotthaus, head of department Social Aspects, Passenger rights […]

Green Speed project – competition policy implications

By |December 12th, 2019|

Eurostar/Thalys merger proposal: what will be the consequences for the passengers?
Following discussions in October between a delegation from EPF and the team in the European Commission’s powerful Competition department responsible for transport, EPF undertook to give thought to the implications for passengers of the proposed merger of Thalys and Eurostar which had just been announced.  

SNCF is currently the […]