About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 338 entries.

Vouchers versus refund?

By |April 30th, 2020|

Should passengers accept vouchers instead of cash reimbursement?

The Coronavirus pandemic has led to travel restrictions all over the EU (and the world) and a surge of cancellations. Airlines and travel agencies are currently exerting strong pressure on passengers to accept credit vouchers instead of cash reimbursement as well as on governments to change the law in order to legalise […]

HiReach Start-up Lab news

By |April 25th, 2020|

In the context of the HiReach Startup Lab, HiReach has successfully conducted a one-week bootcamp in Vienna that helped entrepreneurs to deliver solutions to transport poverty problems. On 17-21 February 2020 several project representatives met at Impact Hub Vienna premises, where a selection of top 23 startups were involved and learned about business model innovation, startup methodologies and tools, […]

EPF position on night trains

By |April 20th, 2020|

During the last decade, European passengers faced a closure wave of night train services, but the recently increased interest for climate friendly transport modes has revived the demand for travelling long distances by train. This position paper aims to define a declaration of EPF’s views concerning night train services including sleepers’ carriages. Night trains services should be considered as […]

EPF conference postponed

By |April 19th, 2020|

The Corona crisis is having a tremendous effect on all of us, not in the least on our travel behaviour and on public transport in general.

After careful consideration, EPF has decided that it is impossible to hold our Strasbourg conference in early June, as we initially had foreseen. The Management Board has decided to postpone the conference to the […]

Eurostar and refunds

By |April 16th, 2020|

Eurostar has cancelled many trains and is now operating a very limited timetable between London and Brussels/Paris. Many passengers therefore cannot travel or if they were to travel would face long delays.

On Eurostar’s web page on the corona virus, passengers are only offered an “eVoucher”, that can be used for a future Eurostar journey, or a possibility to rebook. […]

Impact of Coronavirus on passengers

By |March 13th, 2020|

Obviously, the coronavirus is having an important impact on passengers.

The European Commission has published a note answering the main questions that passengers may have:

I do not want to travel any more, can I rebook or get reimbursed?
I am not feeling healthy and I am not sure whether I should be travelling?
What happens if my carrier has […]

AGM in Düsseldorf & Annual report 2019

By |March 20th, 2020|

The European Passengers’ Federation held its annual general meeting on 14th March in Düsseldorf despite the COVID-19 pandemic and just before the announcement of travel restrictions and #stayhome measures.

President Michel Quidort and Chairman Josef Schneider were reelected and will continue working for better conditions for European passengers, together with the other Management Board members and of course EPF’s member […]

EPF position on the Air Passenger Rights review

By |March 18th, 2020|

The proposed revision of Regulation 261/2004 on Air Passenger Rights and Regulation 2027/97 on Air Carrier Liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage – on hold since 2015 – is back on the table and will soon be discussed at the European Council. The European Passengers’ Federation (EPF) wishes to seize the opportunity to express […]

Enjoyable holidays with public transport

By |March 18th, 2020|

At the annual General Meeting in Düsseldorf on 14th March, EPF adopted a new position paper with recommendations on public transport promotion for touristic trips.

The paper was prepared by EPF member PRO BAHN and deals with:

the journey to a holiday destination
mobility at the holiday destination
day trips from the place of residence
luggage and passenger transfer.

The full […]

EPF conference Strasbourg POSTPONED

By |March 13th, 2020|

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to the travel restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 EPF conference has been postponed to next year. We will keep you informed of the new date. Thanks for your understanding!

Join us for the next EPF-conference in Strasbourg (5-6 June 2020).

This year’s theme: European Cross-border links: What’s in it for the passenger?

Check out the programme:

Friday 5th […]