About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 345 entries.

EPF annual report 2020

By |February 25th, 2021|

The European Passengers’ Federation looks back on an eventful year with challenges like never before seen. The global COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with a new set of tasks and our team rose to the occasion, working for passenger rights even through difficult times.

The consequences of the pandemic were massive in every aspect of life and the transport sector was […]

Interview with Arrïen Kruyt in “Der Fahrgast”

By |February 16th, 2021|

The January edition of “Der Fahrgast” included an interview with EPF management board member Arriën Kruyt. The original article in German can be consulted here. Since the spring of 2020, the Corona pandemic has led to a drastic decline in the use of public transport. Nonetheless, in European policy and in many regions there are plans to promote the use of public transport. […]

EPF conference 2021 – update

By |February 25th, 2021|

After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel the EPF conference 2021 in Strasbourg. The situation in the current pandemic shows too many risks for a successful event. It is not possible to predict whether and how we will be able to travel to Strasbourg in June from the different countrie.

We are currently checking whether we can hold an […]

DB talks too much about the weather

By |February 17th, 2021|

In the beginning of February, cold weather and heavy snowfall in Germany have put people in all means of transport to a hard test – especially on the railways. There have been a lot of train cancellations, individual rail lines were still closed and loaded goods trains had to stay parked in the middle of nowhere for days. In […]

HiReach book published

By |January 27th, 2021|

As a follow-up to the HiReach project, the project team is very happy to announce that our book, Re-thinking Mobility Poverty – Understanding Users’ Geographies, Backgrounds and Aptitudes, is published!

The book in general seeks to better conceptualise and define mobility poverty, addressing both its geographies and socio-economic landscapes. It moves beyond the analysis of ‘transport poverty’ and innovatively explores mobility inequalities […]

An exciting end to the TMaaS project

By |January 27th, 2021|

Thursday 21 January – the time had finally come for the last TMaaS conference that marked the end of an exciting process that had lasted more than three years. Due to the current health crisis, the event had to take a virtual format, but that did not spoil the fun. The TMaaS Team looks back at this successful day […]

Revised rail passenger rights adopted by the Council

By |January 25th, 2021|

On January 25. 2021, the European Council of Ministers adopted the revised Regulation on rail passengers’ rights. EPF welcomes the efforts put in this new regulation and, in particular, the strengthening of passengers’ rights in certain areas. Rail companies are now encouraged to increase their offer in through tickets, which will be mandatory if connecting trains are run by […]

Smart & Sustainable Mobility Strategy presented at EPF GM

By |January 20th, 2021|

During the last EPF General Meeting on 16.1.2021, DG Move presented the key points of the Smart & Sustainable Mobility Strategy. 

During the discussion of all present representatives of the EPF member federations there was agreement that the question of CO2 neutrality was well elaborated in the strategy and that the paths to achieve this goal are sensibly described. EPF […]

Punctuality report of European trains

By |January 4th, 2021|

A comparative study of punctuality for passenger trains in different European countries considers that countries with high demand for train traveling could be a driving factor in achieving reliable railway systems with high punctuality. The study indicates that punctuality at an overall level is better in countries that invest more in railway infrastructure. However, it states that it is […]

UIC publishes state-of-the-art “Contamination Rates on Trains”

By |December 28th, 2020|

The UIC (International Union of Railways) has published a state-of-the-art document with examples of scientific evidence, case studies and mathematical models that shows that clusters of Covid-19 are rare on public transport and among train staff, and that the probability of becoming infected on public transport is relatively low.

A separate chapter focuses on the risk perception of Covid-19 on […]