About Delphine Grandsart

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So far Delphine Grandsart has created 338 entries.

French petition to get rid of railway “beetroot stations”

By |July 25th, 2021|

Since many years, high-speed TGV trains have been operating on the HSL East Paris-Strasbourg stop at “Louvigny” station which is supposed to serve the Lorraine Region. The problem is that this station has been built “in the middle of nowhere” and does not have any rail connection with regional lines of the TER system. This is not a unique […]

Bringing the user voice to INDIMO

By |July 15th, 2021|

EPF brings the user’s voice to the INDIMO project, which aims to break barriers in accessing digitally interconnected transport systems. The INDIMO project began in January 2020 and will run until December 2022.

Its main objectives are to:

Better understand and improve knowledge about user needs and requirements in digital transport systems.
Co-create tools that contribute to an inclusive, universally accessible and personalised […]

Better rail connections for Europe’s passengers

By |July 10th, 2021|

For the past year, EPF has been co-chairing the International Rail Passenger (IRP) Transport Platform’s ‘mirror group’ which consists of representatives of railway undertakings (CER/ALLRAIL/UIC/CIT), infrastructure managers (EIM/CER/UIC), railway suppliers (UNIFE), passenger and consumers’ organisations (EPF/BEUC), travel companies and distributors (EU Travel Tech/ALLRAIL/ECTAA) – who are committed to developing a joint action plan/agenda to support international rail passenger services […]

Is ticket retailing really too important to be left to the operators?

By |July 15th, 2021|

On 25. June, Christopher Irwin, EPF Board Member, took part in a panel debate on “Unleashing rail distribution to make rail travel more attractive”. The webinar was organised by eu travel tech as part of the official European Year of Rail programme and discussed challenges and opportunities of making rail travel more accessible.

Rail travel has never been more important. Although […]

EPF online conference

By |June 30th, 2021|

The original plan was to hold our annual EPF conference in Strasbourg in June 2020. The programme and all necessary clarifications had been largely arranged by EPF’s French member FNAUT. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we had to postpone until 2021. And again Corona forced us to cancel our event and replace it for the first time with an online […]

Webinar: How rail distribution can make rail more attractive

By |May 31st, 2021|

To discuss challenges and opportunities of making rail travel more accessible, eu travel tech is organising a webinar on “Unleashing rail distribution to make rail travel more attractive” on June 25. (10:00-11:30 CEST), as part of the official European Year of Rail programme. Christopher Irwin, EPF Board Member, will take part in the panel debate.

Rail travel has never been […]

EPF online conference 2021

By |May 26th, 2021|

18th Conference of the European Passengers’ Federation
“European Year of Rail, what’s in for the passenger”
June, 26th 2021, 10:00 CEST (online, MS Teams)
After careful consideration, we decided in March to cancel the EPF conference 2021 in Strasbourg (originally planned for 2020). The pandemic situation showed still too many risks for a successful event. But even in Corona times, it is […]

New Urban Mobility Framework

By |May 25th, 2021|

To help the EU build on its 2013 urban mobility package and meet its 2050 climate target, the EU has launched a ‘New Urban Mobility Framework’ initiative, which proposes measures to encourage EU countries to develop urban transport systems that are safe, accessible, inclusive, affordable, smart, resilient and emission-free. The initiative also addresses transport pollution and congestion, and draws […]

EPF-UITP webinar on Rail Passenger Rights

By |May 19th, 2021|

On 19. May, EPF and UITP jointly organised a webinar on Rail Passenger Rights. The webinar was attended by some 130 participants and provided concrete information on the state of the art of rail passengers’ rights in Member States of the European Union. One of the main conclusions was that domestic legislation in many cases is already surpassing the […]

AURORA: Creating space for Urban Air Mobility in our cities

By |May 4th, 2021|

As cities grow larger, they increasingly face problems caused by transport and traffic. Urban Air Mobility (UAM) offers a promising opportunity to mitigate road (surface) congestion by taking urban mobility to the third dimension – the airspace. The EU-funded project AURORA (sAfe Urban aiR mObility for euRopeAn citizens) will develop and integrate safety-critical technologies to support autonomous flight UAM […]