EPF would like your feedback on how the Agreement on Journey Continuation is explained on the websites of national railway undertakings. Thus, we are kindly asking for your assistance by participating in a short survey, which should take approximately 10-15 minutes and can be found here. Thanks for your help!

The International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) is an association of over 130 railway undertakings and shipping companies that operate international passenger and/or freight transport services.

On 15. April, the CIT published an AJC leaflet about the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC), which governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey. In addition to the leaflet, a shorter AJC note was drafted in collaboration between the CIT and EPF. It is intended as a lay-person’s informal guide to what to do if passengers miss their connection on an international journey and want to benefit from the AJC.

The next step – that EPF is following up on together with its members – will be for all railway undertakings that signed up to the AJC to broadly promote both the leaflet and the accompanying note on their respective websites, making passengers aware of the existing agreement and the rights it grants them.

While EPF is positive about the AJC – it is only a first step (see our initial comments on the AJC concept here) and we have greater ambitions for journey continuation. Our eventual aim is that every railway undertaking should commit to enabling a passenger whose planned journey has been disrupted by delays or cancellations to get to their final destination at the earliest convenient opportunity at no extra cost, whatever the tickets held, whichever the railway undertakings involved, wherever they are in Europe. Regulatory intervention may be required in the absence of early voluntary agreement between the undertakings.

At EPF’s Annual Conference in Warschau, CIT’s Secretary-General Gilles Mugnier gave a presentation on the AJC, explaining what it is about and what the next steps are. The presentation can be found here.

Moving forward, we would welcome your feedback on the AJC: How aware are passengers currently about its existence and how it works? Thus, we are kindly asking for your assistance in this effort by taking a moment to review the information on your respective national railway undertakings’ websites and responding to a short survey. Thank you very much for your input!