With a view to the next political mandate of the European Parliament and of the European Commission, EPF has identified its priorities for Union action that will help unleash the potential of the public transport sector.

➡ Goal: A seamless European passenger transport system

The appeal and utility of public transport is greatest when providing access to a network of networks – facilitating end-to-end journey-making.

Enablers: Interfaces – Collaboration – Dependability

➡ Goal: Integrated information and ticketing

To make informed choices, passengers need to be aware of the existing travel options and be able to easily plan, book and pay for their (multimodal) trip in a one-stop-shop.

Enablers: Access to data – Addressing market challenges – Transparency and non-discrimination

➡ Goal: Passenger protection

Passengers, as the weaker party to the service contract, must be treated fairly when things go wrong with their journey and their rights adequately protected.

Enablers: Multimodal passenger rights – Clarify the role of intermediaries – Consistent and effective regulatory enforcement

➡ Goal: Overcome administrative and political boundaries

Administrative and political boundaries should not be a barrier to the efficiency of Europe’s passenger transport system.

Enablers: Actions to promote cross-frontier links – Making TEN-T accessible to users – Consistent regulatory principles

➡ Goal: Better informed decision making

Understanding costs is important to the successful realization of synchro-mobility. It is a foundation for the level playing field upon which fair competition and the optimization of resources depends.

Enablers: Internalization of external costs – Polluter-pays principle – User charging

➡ Goal: A greater focus on end-users

Understanding the needs and aspirations of end-users should be a central point of attention, in order to facilitate a modal shift, while leaving no one behind.

Enablers: Passenger satisfaction surveys – Recognizing the social role of public transport – End-user engagement

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