The Alianza Ibérica por el Ferrocarril (AIF) held its second conference on May 11th in Lisbon, focusing on the future of sustainable rail transport in Spain and Portugal. The Associació per a la Promoció del Transport Públic (PTP), a member entity of the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), presented the current state of cross-border rail services.

Key discussions included an analysis of Spain-Portugal rail connections and proposals for enhancing these links. Infrastuturas de Portugal and Comboios de Portugal shared insights into their high-speed rail projects, such as the Lisboa Galícia and Lisboa Madrid lines, and the status of freight rail transport, with Portugal holding a 14% modal share and Spain at 3%.

The next AIF conference is set for 2025 in Barcelona, where the alliance will continue to promote rail as a key sustainable transport mode and coordinate efforts between the two countries.

The AIF remains committed to sharing a unified vision for rail development, ensuring efficient and sustainable cross-border connections that support the transport needs of the Iberian Peninsula.