At the AGM on 27 April 2024, part of the EPF Management Board was re-elected by rotation. Rian van der Borgt, representative for Rover from the Netherlands and treasurer, was re-elected for a further term of office. Michel Quidort, representative of the French association FNAUT, was also re-elected as President.

Jakop Dalunde from Sweden was elected for the first time. Jakop was a member of the European Parliament for two terms, where he was a transport expert and advocate for passengers interests. He represents the Swedish member Resenarerna and succeeds Kurt Hultgren, who has represented the organization for many years. We are happy to welcome Jakop Dalunde on board!

After many years, Christopher Irwin is retiring from the Management Board. For almost two decades, Chris has been a reliable and competent advisor to EPF. Numerous EPF positions bear his signature. Putting passenger needs first was and is a central concern of his work, which has left a deep mark on EPF and European transport policy. The Management Board is delighted that Chris Irwin will continue to be available as an advisor and supporter in the future.

Meet the EPF Management Board