TSGA (TAP TSI Services Governance Association) was set up in December 2016 by DB, Trenitalia and SNCF Mobilités, as founding members, in order to build the TAP TSI regulatory services and make them available for rail stakeholders, as stated in the TAP TSI Regulation.
The TSGA constitutes one of the key milestones towards fully implementing the Regulation, acting as an enabler of rail businesses to step further in the field of digitalization.
Moreover, TSGA will improve the ultimate benefit of European rail travelers, by ensuring to European actors in the railway sector including ticket distributors, that basic ticketing related information are widely provided, thus indirectly, make it available to travelers in an easier way.
In particular, this will be achieved by providing all TAP TSI Stakeholders (Railway Undertakings and rail ticket distributors) access to the following regulatory services:
- Registry Data service. It indicates where to find all types of resources requested by TAP regulation, such as timetables, fares, reservation system, public keys for print@home tickets and notifies about any changes for those resources.
- Reference Data service. It provides standardized location information and code lists for rail stations in the European Union.
- Data Quality Management service. It is a tool aiming to control the format quality of the data available in the Registry Data and in the Reference Data services.
All the above functions are related to ticketing, aiming at improving the data exchange among passenger Railway Undertakings, and between passenger Railway Undertakings and third parties, ultimately providing travellers with higher quality information.
After months of intensive work, the TSGA regulatory services were officially implemented in August 2019 and made available for TSGA members since September 2019 and to all interested stakeholders as from October 2019.
TSGA counts 6 members now with DSB, NS, SBB, and is looking forward for other European rail stakeholders to join the association.
All the information about the terms and conditions of the license is available at TSGA web site https://tsga.eu.