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Sustainable Urban Transport in Europe?
6th Annual General Meeting and Conference of the European Passengers' Federation
March 15th 2008, Tube Lines offices, 15 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14


Friday March 14th: welcome dinner

18:00: Welcome dinner at a restaurant, details will be sent out with the conference documents.

Saturday March 15th: General Meeting and Conference

08:30: Reception


09:30: Welcome and announcements: Trevor Garrod, Chairman EPF
09:40: Welcome to London: Brian Cooke, Chairman London TravelWatch
09:45: Dave Wetzel, Vice Chair, Transport for London
'What has been achieved since Transport for London was set up in 2000 and what is its vision for the future?'
10:05: Questions chaired by Kurt Hultgren, Member Administrative Council EPF
10:15: Keynote speaker
Jacques Barrot, Vice President of the European Commission
European Green Paper on Urban mobility
10:45: Discussion led by Pau Noy, Member Administrative Council, EPF
11:30: Tea and coffee
11:50: 'The Mayor and heavy rail'
Ian Brown, Managing Director, TfL Rail will talk about the impact on transport in London to date and the future proposals for the Mayor of London’s involvement in the delivery of heavy rail services in and around London.
12:20: Discussion led by Rufus Barnes, Member Administrative Council EPF
12:30: Lunch (courtesy of Tube Lines)
14:00: 'Eurostar – the St Pancras factor'
Nick Mercer, Commercial Director, Eurostar will talk about the Eurostar success story.
14:30: Discussion led by Jean-Paul Jacquot, Member Administrative Council, EPF
15:00: 'The National Passengers Survey'
Anthony Smith, Chief Executive, Passenger Focus will talk about the largest survey in the world of passenger views on the rail services they use.
15:30: Questions chaired by Trevor Garrod Chairman EPF
16:15: Conference round up and close: Trevor Garrod
16:30: Conference ends


17:00: European Passengers' Federation Annual General Meeting
18:00: Close

Sunday March 16th: A choice of two visits

10:00: A tour of Docklands Light Railway Beckton depot and London City Airport Station
(courtesy of Docklands Light Railway)
10:00: A visit to the Kings Cross integrated signal box
(courtesy of First Capital Connext and Network Rail) (Numbers limited)

European Passengers' Federation would like to thank Tube Lines for hosting the conference and for providing refreshments, Eurostar (UK) for subsidising the conference dinner on Friday March 14th, Docklands Light Railway and First Capital Connect/Network Rail for hosting study visits on Sunday March 16th and Transport for London, Rail for providing delegates for free 3-day TravelCards.


  • Registration fee (includes documents, drinks and lunch on Saturday, 3-day TravelCard, access to Sunday-visits)
  • Welcome dinner on Friday (includes meal and drinks)
60 €
15 €

The TravelCard will only be issued at the dinner on Friday evening or at the conference reception on Saturday morning.

Registration and payment

To register, you can fill out the online registration form. Alternatively, you can print out the this form and send it to the EPF secretariat via the regular post or fax as soon as possible. Full details will be sent or e-mailed to you 2 weeks before the conference.

There are three payment options:

  1. Transfer your participation fee to the international bank account of EPF (IBAN: BE93 0003 2550 9667 / BIC: BPOT BEB1). When using a bank transfer, please do so before March 5th, mentioning "Conference 2008"; when transferring from outside the EU, be sure to pay any bank costs (transfer code "OUR").
  2. When registering via the website, you can pay with PayPal or credit card.
  3. It is also possible to pay in cash on the day. Please only do this if you have no other option.

Overnight accomodation

We recommend you to book a hotel as soon as possible, please look at Good prices are currently being offered by the Travel Lodges in the vicinity, but their prices go up as the Lodges fill up. They can be found at and the ones to look for are London City Road, London Liverpool Street and London City Airport.

About the annual EPF Conference

EPF comprises 26 associations or bodies in 15 European countries, whose individual members are welcome to attend the annual general meeting and conference. Only official EPF delegates are allowed to vote on internal matters. Visitors are welcome at the Conference.

The speakers and discussion should enable EPF and its constituent bodies to strengthen their work representing rail and other public transport customers over the coming year. The event also provides excellent opportunities for members from across Europe to network and learn from each other's experiences.

I look forward to meet you in London and to an interesting event.

Trevor Garrod, Chairman